Older players / disabled will struggle with dragonriding

It is very discriminatory and what they have done is on purpose divided the player base while they churn out an expansion that isn’t ready as fast as possible before MS cleans house.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


If you’re having issues reading quest text and the like, you can change the fonts in the game to make them more readable. Been doing that for years.

h ttps://classic.wowhead.com/guides/changing-wow-text-font


You are a valued member of the WoW community. Thank you.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

You can make things bigger with the UI scale slider in the settings


Oh well. We can’t make something that caters to every issue known to man. Life’s not fair.
YOU are responsible for your issues. Not everyone else.


You also can’t expect a video game company to design their game around people with vision issues


Ok Karen, he is partially right. They don’t adjust everything based on other people disabilities. Not every car has special controles because person can operate normal car.

It’s just normal flying after you invest some points in dragonroding, and there is plenty of options to reduce motion sickens.

I have hand to eye coordination issues that make it hard to follow what’s happening on the screen when action is fast.

For Blizzard, accessibility is an afterthought.

That’s pretty much what businesses that had narrow entry doors and inaccessible bathrooms used to say about people in wheelchairs.


Lol glad to see that you re-subbed just to continue your whining crusade.

Blizzard appreciates your donation, I’m sure!

Dragonflight looks great btw

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What does dragonriding different than normal flying have to do with vision?

There is no greater increase in the vision department with dragonriding over normal flying so I want to know what does dragonriding have to do with vision that isn’t already a problem with normal flying.

ok I’m just gonna say this right here. as an older player with not only some colorblindness issues and sight issues, this frankly absolutely infuriates me. I love gaming, and I never expect to be top dog because I play for fun, so what are you saying?

that because we’re old, because we can’t see as well, we’re just supposed to hop into the nursing care facility and knit the rest of our god d@amned lives away?

That’s freaking rude and condenscending, I don’t want to HAVE to stop playing all together, and frankly you can take your opinion and shove it where the good lord split ya.


Have you tried this feature? In the new UI, it scales everything, blocking the screen incredibly. And many elements cannot be scaled back down, I’ve tried.

It could be an option, if it were implemented sanely, which it’s not. Heck, they removed the ability to scale the chat window, which is something we can do under the current UI.


Ion. This is a result of us complaining about him removing flying. So he tweeked flying and made it the ONLY new feature in the expansion. Kind of a middle finger if you ask me. /remove tinfoil hat


Well, reading the comments, the original post is misleading by saying “a lot of older players”. Again, after reading the comments and knowing my own age, I don’t buy it at all. Just stuff to jabber about and that is fine.

Ahhhh , there it is

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And you would have issues playing the game with all of those, so let’s be serious and give an answer within the intent of the topic…

i already know i will struggle with it why i quit gw2 and i didn’t buy the expansion for the same reason. the only problem i got with blizz it would of been just as easy to let people fly regularly instead of giving that answer well when we feel like adding regular flying we will in might been in a yr or maybe longer lol. quit forcing people to do new things like dragonriding just let people regualr fly to who want to cause if continually force this crap flying on me i’m not buying another expansion i have no problem with it being here but give choice i don’t even care if i get hindered by regular flying.


I see you are a member of the anti-accessibility team that appears to have been sent to support removal or disabling of features that allowed many players to play who would have been unable without those features.


Come on, they’re two entirely different things.

While I don’t think that they shouldn’t be able to make parts of the game that are challenging in different ways, they do need to work on accessibility options. I do believe that if enough people ask in the beta forums it will happen though, that’s how the 2-seater option came about. It’s not like they aren’t listening at all with making the feature accessible, but they have to do it in ways that doesn’t take away from other players experiences.

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