I’m an old player (in my 50s, playing since 2005) and love to find a casual guild that welcomes older players.
I love to level characters through questing and dungeons. I find raiding fun if its laid back, but mainly looking for a social experience to augment the journey of classic.
Thanks! any feedback is appreciated.
long time player returning, not as old as the fella above but too not far behind.
I am looking for just a guild hopefully an Aussie guild.
I tanked through TBC up until T6 with and have one of every toon maxed level before the squish.
Looking to do Heroics, Raids and BGs.
Hi Ferren,
You would not even come close to being our oldest member trust me. I am just behind you as a matter of fact. Our ages all over the place but the majority are 30-40ish A hand full are over 50. We are a raiding guild but you would be welcome to be as active as you wanted. Come check out my post. Feel free to message me on Discord with any questions. Good luck to you either way.
I’m sorry we are us Pacific based but have played with many Aussies and you would be welcome as well if the times worked out. GL to you as well.
Bumping this as I’m looking for something similar on the horde side. Played and raided back in original TBC (downing Illidan was fun) and now just playing for fun. Would love to join a social fun guild for the more, well let’s say mature crowd
My classic toon is an orc hunter
Hey, perhaps we are something you may be looking for?
Grievance is a multi gaming guild that has been around for 20 years this October… we are mainly made up of older, casual/semi casual folks who still like to raid. We realize we all have lives outside of gaming and always take that approach.
We are rebuilding for TBC and looking for laid back folks who want to have fun leveling, running 5 mans and plowing ahead waiting for the TBC launch. We will be raiding in TBC but raiding is not just all we do.
Add me to discord if this sounds interesting and we can talk some more, we are H on Mankrik. Nionya@7814
Ferris, did you find your perfect guild? I’m looking for a 50s guild, who have a little more understanding of the relationship between age and reaction time
. In a super nice guild but they are young!
I am looking for this as well, as I am in this same demographic. I do not really have the time for raiding, but would like to do some questing and dungeons.
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I too am in the same boat as others above. Maybe we should start a new one! I just got back in the game after 8 year sabbatical. I just want to learn and play with other people from my generation. I am a casual gamer and love to craft and help others. I have 7 characters 4 horde and 3 alliance. All horde are level 70 now made up of 2 Druids, 1 Priest (fairly new) and 1 Marksman Hunter. These are all on Tichondrius. I also have 3 lower level Alliance on Malygos. Mage, Evoker and a Warrior. I am not apposed to Raiding, but want to feel comfortable with my class before going into any major content. I am not apposed of moving Realms for the right fit with a Guild. If anyone has some Guilds in mind, please let me know.
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I have created a new guild for Wrath Classic on Ashkandi. I’m shooting for the members to be 25+. I’m 56 and have the time nor patience for obnoxious kids or adults for that matter.
It’s a ground floor opportunity.
Here’s the link to the guild promo [H] *Fear is the Mind Killer* 25+ - #2 by Ohalloran-ashkandi