Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

TBF he did say go play ESO.

Not sure if that qualifies as telling someone to quit.

All I know is I don’t want to play ESO. That’s my contribution to this thread.


It doesnt. I will say quit if that is what I mean. I gave ESO as a prime example of other MMOs with just a few “buttons”. You cannot name another MMO remotely as popular as WoW that does not have “ermahgerd too many buttons”.

Its basically WoW and FFXIV that are kings of the MMORPG market with games like ESO and GW/GW2 way the hell down near the bottom. There is why skills are important, combat good enough to retain a lot of players.


It’s not trolling

Ice strike and Frost Shock feel terrible to press.

Why are they not a single button.

Primordial wave and then having to press lighting bolt every 45 seconds is clunky.

This is just one class but multiple classes are like this m


I would have recommended SWTOR instead of ESO.

Just sayin’

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This is a very true statement. If Classic was released today, it would be a mediocre MMO at best.

But it’s definitely not harder, just far far more tedious and slow.


What killed classic for me was farming consumables was wayyyy too time consuming / expensive.

(I was even playing mage which was the easiest to farm on)

In order to raid I literally had to spend more time farming than I did raiding / doing content.

In retail stuff is so cheap and you get so much passive gold that I don’t even have to think about farming. I spend like 99% of my time actually doing content.


Yes, it is.

lovely seeing yet another “I can’t do it so dumb it down for everyone” post.


SWTOR is more like WoW with actual combat options that hurt the heads of trolls. ESO has only 6 active skills at a time and is thus dumbed down enough for them.


People like GW2s combat. ESO combat isn’t like because the combat animations are terrible.

Both games have almost as many abilities has WoW core rotations for most classes. ESO has 5 skills per weapon and 1 ultimate. You can swap weapons in combat, so that is 12 skills. GW2 is the same thing almost.

Those games aren’t as popular because they use horizontal progression systems, and ESO combat animations are just bad.

Those games still have healthy populations though.

I play ESO, and the combat is actually more complex than most WoW rotations. A lot of WoW players come to ESO and leave, because they can’t do the light attack weaving in order to achieve the 100k DPS you need for hard content.

ESO’s combat is actually very hard to master.

Edit: What does ESO have to do with this anyway? This entire line of thought is just a strawman here. Lets try to keep things about WoW, because you really don’t have any in-depth knowledge about GW2 or ESO.


See what the troll did?

Says people like GW2s combat, forgets the games population is 1/10th WoWs even though later claims its a healthy population.

Makes a claim like those games have as many abilities for core rotations as this one forgetting the topic is this games button bloat.

Trolling 101.


I’m playing Enhance for the next raid tier, why do you think i specifically know so much about the spec

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Great isnt it. Just like in every single other button bloat troll thread. The main posters defending it all are posts by characters with next to no achievement points at all.


I wouldn’t equate complaining about non-issues and that it’s too hard to “knowing so much” about the spec lol

(ps Feral Lunge baseline, thanks blizzard)

People do like GW2’s combat, and the game is still putting out new content. They just release a new expansion in August. Game is over 10 years old too.

I was responding to the poster above that sighted those games. I only mentioned a reduction of CC.

These forums are just filled with people that can’t read, as well as people letting their biases shape their responses.

8k achievements is a joke, though.

Edit: These forums always devolve into people slinging insults at people that make posts about topics they don’t like.

You don’t have to post in these topics, just report it and move along if it is inappropriate.


hi i’m older and i think retail is fine and i have no interest in classic :sunglasses:


You’re healing and not doing damage so this adds up

You summoned all the forum police on this one OP. :man_facepalming:


I just don’t understand how they read my examples and they’re just like " no give us more buttons that feel lackluster "

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It’s more just salty people, they don’t want the game to get better if that happens they won’t be able to cry on the forums.

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I’m part of the older player population and I have no clue what group the OP is talking about. I also don’t feel there is button bloat. Are their upkeep talents that I think are worthless because their philosophy for some reason has changed to you have to be pressing something every GCD. Yes.