Lets use this thread to recall the good old days of vanilla wow:) I am sharing some of my memories.. and you can do the same:) This real ID thing is pretty cool and I am back from a hiatus since the end of CATA, so I welcome any old faces to say hello, or HOLLA!, on these dead forums.
Bumped into a Dragonblight player on the dungeon finder yesterday which brought back some intense nostalgia!
I have not been on Dragonblight since I transferred off at the end of BC - raiding on a PST server in EST timezone was not fun! ....But I do remember fondly the early days of WOW on Dramablight.
I dont know who will remember me... if anyone! But I was that golden dwarf with my shiny rank 13 gear:)
Should there be anyone who still plays from back that that wants to re-connect you can find me: FruitFTW#1480
Had many fun times running flags for the marshals group, the horde could not stop me with palleas giving me blessing of freedom! It has been so long since those days... I am sad to say I cannot recall too many peoples names! (other than heroine - mage). There were also a dwarf pally and gnome mage from Tabula Rasa, and sometimes fillyblizzle would join in for a few runs:)
I leveled from 15-60 doing BGs non-stop so there were many horde players I leveled with:)
My mace met with many horde skulls, 2h fury:) Beserking hut + enrage + deathwish - fun times!
There were the fun exodus alt runs I joined on on for MC/ZG/AQ20 ..I even have an alt in the joke guild Uber Panda Attack Team Hyper!
Spent some time raiding in Dark Crucible if there are any old souls from there still playing:)
There were a few other guilds I played with.... again was so long ago!
Some player names that ring a bell... either that I played with or just remember for whatever reason.. Darii from exigence (played lots in BC doing heroics), rugius ...yup, cherrydanish, toast the tauren, thrannix the d0rf with thunderfury, obviously buiden who blacksmithed some gloves for me, oldguy who made me the engineering reflector trinket NO MORE POM PYROS!, sammayel, and many many more!
P.S. what ever happened to the dramablight forums? Always read..never commented
See you around, look forward to connecting again, look forward to any old tales you want to share :)
Here are a few tales:
Outside of onyxia's lair, horde shammy challenges me to duel. Forget name! troll shaman, enhancement, had the dragonskin shield, pvped a lot...maybe in OCK? What I do remember is that I won:) In front of everyone!!! (I am sure no one was watching...)
Raiding orgrimmar with the ret pally I played with in the marshals team
Dueling Rugius and losing to a hunter who ONLY meleed me down :( - I was SO LAGGY lol my computer was baaaaad until I got my new one. Raptor stike ftw...
And the best story! In silithus "PVP" sand (LOL) Flambeau was holding some of the sand, and I killed him :)
Field Marshal Malekk
P.P.S. My real life friend who played on his gnome warrior Izie still messes around a bit on wow, on some horde toons now (dont ask). He raided in Echelon could always try and connect you with him if you wished:)
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As someone who's been around Dragonblight a long time himself, let me just say: Nice to see someone remembers the old days.
Funny enough, I'm actually still guilded with "Toast the Tauren" as you put it. Though these days he's a Tauren named Tostado and plays a Monk.
The boards were there thanks to an old Dragonblight native named Jotaro, but after he quit WoW and Dragonblight suffered a bit from burnout on the Horde side of things the site fell into a state of abandonment and eventually went away.
No idea if the old forums still exist anywhere, or if they'd come back again but hey at least someone else remembered them.
Funny enough, I'm actually still guilded with "Toast the Tauren" as you put it. Though these days he's a Tauren named Tostado and plays a Monk.
11/03/2016 08:55 AMPosted by MalekkP.S. what ever happened to the dramablight forums? Always read..never commented
The boards were there thanks to an old Dragonblight native named Jotaro, but after he quit WoW and Dragonblight suffered a bit from burnout on the Horde side of things the site fell into a state of abandonment and eventually went away.
No idea if the old forums still exist anywhere, or if they'd come back again but hey at least someone else remembered them.
Ya Jotaro is familiar name.. maaaaybe an orc shaman?
I had almost given up on checking this thread these forums are so dead! Back in the day there were long threads hah.
All the best to those who still call DB home:)
I had almost given up on checking this thread these forums are so dead! Back in the day there were long threads hah.
All the best to those who still call DB home:)
Man reading your post brought back memories. This is Areywin from Crimson Fury guild. I have hopped around servers for a bit and changed my name. Holy !@#$ I was a noob during vanilla. didnt key bind or anything. Also was in Tabula Rasa for a bit in WoTLK. Good ol days of vanilla in Dramablight. PVP with Rugius, wilkins, and much more.
Dramablight days - Ya Jotaro used to run the site and boards until he stopped playing, it kind of faded away over the years but Pancakes still prevails (his guild on horde side)
I've hopped around on few servers after lich king but nothing beats vanilla Dragonblight days. Spent most of my time outside Ironforge gates, it was always packed especailly late at night when people got done with their raids. Scythe would always run out to show his new weapon lol. Still play with some of the guys from Dragonblight (Hisoka and Tiandra from Crimson Fury). I check back on this forum once in a while but it's been dead for a long time.
Never joined dramablight as a member but it was always fun to read for few laughs.
Nice to see that you're still around. I was in your guild, Riders on the Storm back in Vanilla days.
Never joined dramablight as a member but it was always fun to read for few laughs.
12/19/2016 01:33 PMPosted by BonesyelfDramablight days - Ya Jotaro used to run the site and boards until he stopped playing, it kind of faded away over the years but Pancakes still prevails (his guild on horde side)
Nice to see that you're still around. I was in your guild, Riders on the Storm back in Vanilla days.
I think in a lot of ways for me the memories of vanilla, and tbc on dragonblight will always be the best times I remember from gaming and wow. Dueling for hours constantly outside of ironforge against people like rugi and scythe, all the other oldschool ret pallies I remember like Vanin, Vasoline, Ssvash, lviara, and so many other people.
Laughing my !@# off on vent while following dirnok around in wsg and making sure he had blessing of freedom and off heals while building reckoning charges to one shot some poor horde. Fighting against dirnokk in wsg when he was still grinding hwl and our team would face his. Just hours and hours of bgs and duels everyday with the people that usually ran in the groups marc/rugi/dirnok and other gm groups had going, then respeccing and spending hours more raiding. It was great having a sense of community to the game, and the familiarity that came with seeing the same faces on a continual basis and developing friendships as well as fun rivalries with the horde pvpers and teams.
Tbc had a lot of great memories for me still playing and raiding with Prodigy, trying to compete with the other raiding guilds on the server, but things definitely started going downhill on the server I thought when things were opened up to cross server. Almost all the old people were around still, but it felt less like dragonblight to me when you'd queve for a bg and rarely recognize a name anymore.
Laughing my !@# off on vent while following dirnok around in wsg and making sure he had blessing of freedom and off heals while building reckoning charges to one shot some poor horde. Fighting against dirnokk in wsg when he was still grinding hwl and our team would face his. Just hours and hours of bgs and duels everyday with the people that usually ran in the groups marc/rugi/dirnok and other gm groups had going, then respeccing and spending hours more raiding. It was great having a sense of community to the game, and the familiarity that came with seeing the same faces on a continual basis and developing friendships as well as fun rivalries with the horde pvpers and teams.
Tbc had a lot of great memories for me still playing and raiding with Prodigy, trying to compete with the other raiding guilds on the server, but things definitely started going downhill on the server I thought when things were opened up to cross server. Almost all the old people were around still, but it felt less like dragonblight to me when you'd queve for a bg and rarely recognize a name anymore.
Dirnok is and always will be complete trash.
Alliance scum
Alliance scum
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12/24/2016 07:12 AMPosted by JolahDirnok is and always will be complete trash.
Alliance scum
Oh hai!
I came to Dragonblight from the 1st Proudmore exodus. We were "offered" to pick servers or be "volunteered" a transfer. I think my Paladin spent 3 xpacks as a healer.. Limped along as a Retadin until legion, now back to healing. So different from the "ok mage you sheep the left, pally repent the right and all attack the skull, X, nipple in that order". I surely miss the days when "facerolling" would get your !@# killed.
I have so many great memories of 40 main MC, BWL and the like. I was in Eternal Core and Benevolent Thuggery back in those days. My greatest memory still is watching the sunset in Westfall when I was leveling there.
I took a 5 year break in 2010 and my how the game changed. Many new improvement, but also many old things that are gone. Like the original questing that got you to level 55, so you had to grind mobs in EPL, and Silithus to get to 60.
I have so many great memories of 40 main MC, BWL and the like. I was in Eternal Core and Benevolent Thuggery back in those days. My greatest memory still is watching the sunset in Westfall when I was leveling there.
I took a 5 year break in 2010 and my how the game changed. Many new improvement, but also many old things that are gone. Like the original questing that got you to level 55, so you had to grind mobs in EPL, and Silithus to get to 60.
DB vet checking in
Also, go home Proudmoore.
Also, go home Proudmoore.
So many good memories!
As a player I go back to vanilla. I just returned to this madhouse this week after years f abandonment.
Hi Hoe-lah!
Hi Hoe-lah!
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What really sucks is there is no way to look at the old forums since nothing from the internet at that time was really indexed.
/pembar or it didn't happen.
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I started out on dramablight in vanilla as well. Came here because my friend Endall was playing here. Started out as a warrior, raided ZG,MC AQ40 BWL then switched over to the Pally during BC. Was one of the first horde Pally tanks on the server. I think at first there was like 4-5 of us tops that actually raid tanked as a pally.
Raided with several guilds like The Mayhem project, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Ascendance.
Left for illidan after Ascendance disbanded in cata. Server numbers just not being there anymore decided to look for greener pastures.
Raided with several guilds like The Mayhem project, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Ascendance.
Left for illidan after Ascendance disbanded in cata. Server numbers just not being there anymore decided to look for greener pastures.
12/19/2016 06:04 PMPosted by MysticknightI've hopped around on few servers after lich king but nothing beats vanilla Dragonblight days. Spent most of my time outside Ironforge gates, it was always packed especailly late at night when people got done with their raids. Scythe would always run out to show his new weapon lol. Still play with some of the guys from Dragonblight (Hisoka and Tiandra from Crimson Fury). I check back on this forum once in a while but it's been dead for a long time.
Never joined dramablight as a member but it was always fun to read for few laughs.12/19/2016 01:33 PMPosted by BonesyelfDramablight days - Ya Jotaro used to run the site and boards until he stopped playing, it kind of faded away over the years but Pancakes still prevails (his guild on horde side)
Nice to see that you're still around. I was in your guild, Riders on the Storm back in Vanilla days.
I was never in riders on the storm?
I raided a bit in dark crucible and then in debacle I think it was.
I'll bite some more, maybe my history will jog some more memories!
My first guild was "The Crimson Wraithguards", which I joined after questing for a day in the Barrens with then stranger "Kutako" the troll warrior. He and my brother "Comatorium" were regulars on the realm forums here. I actually recall one of the first dungeons I ran with the guild - BFD. There was a higher level shaman "Imahatarus" in the run, and I remember having a conversation about "that crazy weapon enchant" he had that I couldn't learn yet... windfury weapon.
At some point the Wraithguards was absorbed by "The Untouchables", which is the guild I was with for my first few level 60 raids. At that time, horde-side had the HSGA (horde small guild alliance), which was a band of smaller guilds that got together to form raids for end content.
I bounced around a bit after that, with brief stints in Last Hope, Grim Promise, and Goof's Raiders, and eventually landed in Monkey Business where I've stuck. I've deactivated and reactivated my account more times than I'm willing to count... but have at least made somewhat of an appearance for each expansion :)
Some fun memories...
-Not knowing what to do. In the early days, I was completely oblivious. To be fair, as a shaman it didn't really matter what spec you were - if you raided, you were healing. Pretty sure my main spec was a mish-mash of every tree.
- Standing outside the WSG or AB portals waiting for a match. There was always the regular crew, but in particular I recall dueling with Silentmind, and wondering how Kulu the orc rogue got geared so fast.
- Early MC attempts. Forget about bosses... klling just the first two giants was a big deal!
- Level 29 WSG on my alt mage. This was a blast in vanilla - partly because there was a core group that was doing it led by Kurros the druid.
- Level 60 AB, also led by Kurros. We'd get a group going from Monkey Business and other members of the HSGA for premades, which was a lot of fun. This was the early days of vanilla, when you were considered "rich" if you had an epic mount... so travel time between flags was even a big deal. At the time there was some sort of turn-based system for folks getting their High Warlord or Grand Marshall titles, and there was some drama on the forums surrounding our group "getting in the way" of that. I don't know... we just wanted to PVP.
Lots more I'm sure will come to me as soon as I finish this post.
My first guild was "The Crimson Wraithguards", which I joined after questing for a day in the Barrens with then stranger "Kutako" the troll warrior. He and my brother "Comatorium" were regulars on the realm forums here. I actually recall one of the first dungeons I ran with the guild - BFD. There was a higher level shaman "Imahatarus" in the run, and I remember having a conversation about "that crazy weapon enchant" he had that I couldn't learn yet... windfury weapon.
At some point the Wraithguards was absorbed by "The Untouchables", which is the guild I was with for my first few level 60 raids. At that time, horde-side had the HSGA (horde small guild alliance), which was a band of smaller guilds that got together to form raids for end content.
I bounced around a bit after that, with brief stints in Last Hope, Grim Promise, and Goof's Raiders, and eventually landed in Monkey Business where I've stuck. I've deactivated and reactivated my account more times than I'm willing to count... but have at least made somewhat of an appearance for each expansion :)
Some fun memories...
-Not knowing what to do. In the early days, I was completely oblivious. To be fair, as a shaman it didn't really matter what spec you were - if you raided, you were healing. Pretty sure my main spec was a mish-mash of every tree.
- Standing outside the WSG or AB portals waiting for a match. There was always the regular crew, but in particular I recall dueling with Silentmind, and wondering how Kulu the orc rogue got geared so fast.
- Early MC attempts. Forget about bosses... klling just the first two giants was a big deal!
- Level 29 WSG on my alt mage. This was a blast in vanilla - partly because there was a core group that was doing it led by Kurros the druid.
- Level 60 AB, also led by Kurros. We'd get a group going from Monkey Business and other members of the HSGA for premades, which was a lot of fun. This was the early days of vanilla, when you were considered "rich" if you had an epic mount... so travel time between flags was even a big deal. At the time there was some sort of turn-based system for folks getting their High Warlord or Grand Marshall titles, and there was some drama on the forums surrounding our group "getting in the way" of that. I don't know... we just wanted to PVP.
Lots more I'm sure will come to me as soon as I finish this post.
09/07/2017 10:03 PMPosted by LagAt some point the Wraithguards was absorbed by "The Untouchables", which is the guild I was with for my first few level 60 raids. At that time, horde-side had the HSGA (horde small guild alliance), which was a band of smaller guilds that got together to form raids for end content.
Oh hey, I remember that "untouchables" guild... their GM was a total noob. OHWAIT!