old thread
Bumping the reply
Thank you for your service to the King.
WTB Ranged Dps and Priest/Druid Healer
WTB Boomkin! / Other RDPS!! Also looking into a solid DK that can play all three specs at a high level. If you think this is you add me! Keoke#1367
Hey, multi R1 enhance 398ilvl, 20yard rotation so hybrid melee/range ;).
Serious and dedicated, biiig dmg.
Lmk if I add a bnet.
Would love to speak with you. Add us on btag or add me on Discord at Muk#3230
Arise chicken, Arise
There once was a Tank named McJigglez.
LF Warlock, Resto Druid, MW Monk
i am 120 despite what armory says heya muk just recently transferred to the server and am looking for a guild im a aotc raider for both jaina and ghun just recently leveled my monk up hoping to bm or mw it but i sent a btag request to you
i also mained mage on the other server and also have a capped warrior and paladin and am working on a resto sham with a friend on this server
Hi Einhart, please reach out to Kuryso in-game or via battle tag @ Keoke#1367. Thanks.
bump, bump, bumpadelphia
6/9M exp looking for a good home
I play warrior/warlock
@Anger… add us on Discord
Dang, Anger gets around Kel’thuzad!
R.I.P. Burn
with death comes life
i like to move it move it