Old stuff should be account-wide

Stuff from like two expansions ago and older should be account-wide. We’re talking rep, profession levels, profession recipes, and achievements. So, if I made an alt today they should have the highest level I achieved of all reps from Classic though WoD. If I make that alt a, I dunno, blacksmith that alt should have the highest blacksmith levels I reached from Classic though WoD. The alt should also have all the patterns I learned from Classic though WoD.

Why? Because with each new expansion making an alt sucks a little bit harder. A new alt today has 15+ years of content to catch up on if you want that alt to have patterns and reputations your previous alts had.

This would also free up character slots. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has unplayed alts kicking around just because they have some pattern or rep or some title or something new alts either can’t get or it’s a pain in the dooker to get.

And, ok, maybe some people out there are like “But I want to relearn everything on my new alts, because I hate myself, or I don’t value my time, or something”. How about this, make it an option. Maybe our new alt can go to the trainer and drop a big chunk of gold to learn all levels and patterns our past characters have. Maybe our new alts can go to past rep quartermasters and drop a big chunk of gold to get boosted to the highest rep level our past alts reached.

It’s not like we the players didn’t put in the work to get this stuff. I just don’t think we should have to put in that work with every new alt when it comes to outdated content. It sure would make the game more alt friendly.


Certificate of a master crafter.

…or something like that. Bought on the character with said max profession. BoA to be mailed to your alt.


This would work. Simple and easy.

That would be great. I have Kaluak rep on my druid and he has the fishing pole… I want the fishing pole for my monk, but I already have a to-do list and the Kaluak rep on my monk is at the way bottom of that list. I have many many other examples of how this would be useful to me.


Since heirlooms are no longer gold sinks, they could make these gold sinks. Upgradeable to cover all xpacs?


Actually yea, I like this

They can even make it a gold sink cuz blizz likes those

Exhalted or max with something opens up a boa item on the vendor for X gold, send it off and Boop your alt is caught up


This makes too much sense and will be rejected.


It might be too fun, and that would be its downfall.

Add raid tokens to this list. Not much is worse, to me, than trying to get something for months or years on my Warlock, to only ever see it drop on non-Warlocks. Garrosh’s shoulders would be a prime example of this, but for Plate. It wouldn’t affect the droprate, nor how rare they are.

So, after an expansion passes the two year mark, just change the tokens to BoA, and done.


If any item has its effects disabled because it’s a legacy item, it should be BoA, not BoP.
It’s really annoying running Molten Core a gazillion times on my hunter, and getting all those class set drops for every class except hunter.


I’m all for this and letting Blizz make it a gold sink. At this point in the game there is no reason why older content cannot be unlocked account wide, especially rep. I really should not have to be grinding out rep all over again on an alt when I am maxed out on the same rep with so many other toons.

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Account-wide rep would be especially awesome.


Well, since we are trying to make everything account bound instead of toon bound we might as well just get rid of alts and allow toons to change classes…then all gear, rep, currency, etc is available to all to you at all times.

That is the logical evolution of this, and it has probably been suggested a few thousand times on this forum.

Of course, that would make WoW like an unnamed competitor.

Lockouts removed from legacy content as well.

We already have a 10 instance/hour limit, why keep the lockouts unless anti-fun is the name of the game?

I don’t know if I agreed with this initially, but I think I see how it could get there (even if it takes many many years):

  • Allow characters to have all professions (all what, 14?)
  • Allow all characters to share reputations, profession skills, currency tab
  • Allow characters to multi-class into specs that make sense for their original class (like add Shadow Priest to Mage and Warlock)
  • Open up all race/class combinations
  • Increase multi-class to use two full classes, of any choice
  • Introduce an all-class character, one per account, as a test
  • If successful, open it up, like DKs were, so that you can make more, if you want. (but why would you, since that one character can do everything, by this point?)
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I’m not in favor of class changing. Would really be a problem with the whole flavor of the week and “meta” deal. I suppose if it cost real money and had a very long cooldown (like 6+ months or even once per expansion), but even then… Just seems like a can of worms best not opened.

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Why would that be a problem? Every player would always be the meta class without spending 24+ hours leveling and gearing a new toon.

Giving every player the ability to always be meta sounds like a great thing to me.

Plus, if it’s done like the unnamed competitor, you still have to level up each class…so its not like you are not putting in the same amount of work.

Agreed. And I think after Shadowlands, all the covenant appearance stuff, mounts etc. should be account wide.

And I still never went back to get all that rep for my jewelcrafter in MoP, because I already did it on my main. Even though alts get bonus rep.

Balance of power is another I wish they’d make account wide now that Legion is long in the past.

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You could even make it optional like showing only character achieves now.

  • Vile Fumigator’s Mask - Cosmetic
  • Jeeves - Toy
  • Direbrew’s Remote - Toy

Yes, yes, and yes.

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