Old School Players / Guilds

Dang I remember raiding with you but it was in the later part of Vanilla and then we ran together in BC good times

May need to Jump in here at some point.

Hey, thank you so much for this made my day seeing this post! Brings back a lot of old memoriesā€¦I was the leader of Frozen Prophets ! Yes I still play wow haha you can add me to friends on Battlenet at Stow#1803

Iā€™ve been on the server since November 2004 release. My original account and character in Vanilla was a NE Druid named Rometheis. He only hit like 45-46 is Vanilla.

This character Iā€™m writing on, Brigade Human Paladin, was my first max level character in TBC.

My raiding guild was Twisted and my guild leader was named Hellsgates.

I accidentally started a post on the wrong toon.

I remember aenigma (excuse the lack of special character)

idk if anyone remembers as i was more casusal back then.
name: Vaako
race/class: night elf hunter
Guild: mjoillnir, three kingdoms

names i dont see listed

Vaako! I think I remember you. Was Althaea in WotLK, Anaximander in Vanilla/TBC. I think I was in your guys first Vael kill withā€¦ Cordialia? Chrodialia? Canā€™t remember the name.

Zeksonic Legion lol! My best creation in life <3

Hey Landlocked! I remember you from ZerĆø! Know if any of those guys are still around?

Also remember when everyone referred to the server as Broken Legion? And when Ropetown left cause it was so bad?

I miss being in Zeksonic Legion

We had so much fun doing stupid stuff.

I still have screenshots of the day Marty hit 60. He was this incredibly slow leveler. Yet he played as much as anyone else but too forever to his 60ā€¦in Winterspring iirc.

I wasnā€™t very popular but I was Xaran(UD Priest with a beehive).

What a blast from the past. I came up in Raven Guard, we were small time hacked and slashed our way through some raids but I donā€™t think we made waves on the server much. I remember the server was collectively bummed out when Ropetown left lol. And I kinda remember drama with jAGD but I have no idea what it was about.

What a different game it is now. Some of these guilds are almost old enough to buy alcohol lol