Prior to the new forum cut-over we had a thread for recalling old school players from the Burning Legion realm. It seems Blizzard did not carry over old posts to the new forums. As we head towards a launch of Classic WoW this summer lets get the thread going again. Except this time we’ll throw in guilds as well as characters.
I’ll start.
- Advent
- Aegis
- Aenigma
- Apocalypse
- Arcanus
- Ascension
- Church of Sarkoth
- Consequence
- Defiant
- Elysium
- Eminence
- Eternal Prophets
- Exodus
- Frozen Prophets
- In The Beginning
- Ironforge Triumvirate
- Keepers of the Shadow
- Malice
- Method
- Mjollnir
- Og
- PD/Pants
- Reanimated
- Redemption
- Ropetown
- SBA / Short Bus Allstars
- Silent Storm
- Stormwind Vanguard
- Talons
- The Scorpion Alliance
- Tyranny
- Valruth Fearim
- Very Hairy Man Guild
- Vile
- Zeksonic Legion
- Aareba
- Abel
- Adonos
- Aedon
- Anaximander
- Admrq
- Alphenas
- Altaer
- Arenatico
- Armstrong
- Ariella
- Arthus
- Aslyn
- Aurelius
- Aurore
- Axbit
- Axcent
- Axxel
- Azliashane
- Baird
- Bakalakadaka
- Bakerrage
- Baklash
- Balodur
- Bartimeaus
- Bloodbane
- Bof
- Bonkanator
- Bonta
- Bootty
- Bremen
- Bremmen
- Broheim
- Campion
- Cande
- Cappers
- Cathina
- Cavos
- Cazukiel
- Chetal
- Chundee
- Conor
- Creegan
- Csuperv
- Cuchulain (sp?)
- Cyberfoga
- Dagora
- Daiski
- Deathstroke
- Delawyn
- Demosthenes
- Denial
- Destian
- Destin
- Dewizzy
- Diah
- Dingler
- Drackaine
- Durn
- DVSone
- Dwanor
- Ecuno
- Ellendiel
- Elwynta
- Enseeh
- Eredwyn
- Eriselli
- Etep
- Eve
- Farmergregor
- Fatheroftime
- Floyd
- Freewater
- Fuzzed
- Gaiya
- Gathord
- Gauntlet
- Gekko
- Gimle
- Giren
- Glacier
- Gnomelander
- Gnokatu
- Gollie
- Gotrez
- Grapplehook
- Healer
- Heileg
- Hellsing
- Highwind
- Holypaladon
- Hydro
- Ichron
- Jace
- Jahi
- Jamal
- Jimpeterson
- Johnnycurse
- Joshmon
- Kaityn
- Kanae
- Kkay
- Kleanx
- Kwayzee
- Kyris
- Lagwagon
- Lefilgruber
- Lemmiwinks
- Lenura
- Lexmark
- Liger
- Longbeard
- Loomir
- Lotusx
- Lovebone
- Lowkey
- Luhzren
- Lupus
- Luriel
- Lyion
- Lylla
- Maelin
- Meldo
- Melphys
- Meur
- Mihoshi
- Moleman
- Moribundx
- Morna
- Motangz
- Murmur
- Myth
- Namisar
- Namix
- Namyr
- Nearrwin
- Ninjuh
- Noan
- Norbo
- Novern
- Octavian
- Oddjob
- Ohdinn
- Ororo
- Ownly
- Paige
- Pie
- Poc
- Precision
- Puccaxchan
- Rankil
- Randomhobo
- Ratspike
- Rho
- Rolith
- Roxx
- Rowip
- Ruddie
- Rykku
- Samelina
- Sanderz
- Sanosuke
- Sauriel
- Saviorslim
- Scraw
- Scrooge
- Selene
- Shayker
- Shazbot
- Shenti
- Shinjiro
- Shinnta
- Shiv
- Skyjumper
- Snovv
- Slumlord
- Soulgrinder
- Sporklift
- Spyrina
- Stampy
- Stow
- Sugoda
- Suiko
- Sylus
- Syrio
- Talyra
- Tarasque
- Telestrian
- Thadallex
- Thamainevent
- Thanthalas
- Thagsalot
- Thibideau
- Thrasher
- Thundahawk
- Tibodeau
- Tidonags
- Tooth
- Triba
- Turd
- Ultimæge
- Vahn
- Vallis
- Vikeena
- Violator
- Vulture
- Wolfsraine
- Wretch
- Xaex
- Xaraxus
- Xavier
- Xethus
- Ynotony
- Yume
- Zaxon
- Zaza
- Zeit
- Zeramos
- Zergling
- Zyphamon