RDF is how I got gear in WotLK, I didn’t have time for anything else. I know I didn’t have the best gear, but I had purple gear and it was fun. Sure I got kicked for no reason once or twice, but who cares. RDF and the easy dungeons were why I want to play wrath again. it was simple, and I was still able to raid every once in a while (not like the crap you have to go through now to raid).


At least you make it into the dungeon. Imagine not getting invited at all for the same reason.


No, when you get vote kicked you get a 30 minute dungeon deserter debuff where you can’t queue for that time. I’d rather not be invite to that group and get in another one.

I’m all for removing the deserting debuff for being kicked. It really only should be for leaving a dungeon voluntarily.


The only caveat to that I can think of is if the player truely deserves getting kicked for troll wiping groups for example. They should get a debuff so they can’t just troll group after group. Maybe give the debuff if you cop 2 kicks within some arbitary time period.


yes, this would be a good compromise.

Grats, you can still be the group leader with or without RDF. Just make a group.


there’s value in funneling everyone through the same system. If we can create a single “source” through which all group finding is done, all players will reap the benefits.

^ From the blue post. If they put both in the game both get harmed.

That’s BS. You agree w all blue text? Gate keeping and time wasting is all the crap system they are attempting to create will result in. There is no advantage listing a group LF tank, or LF healer, or perusing the listings all LF some meta to complete ez content. It’s just wasting players time that could be spent doing other things while in queue, rather than hanging out near an instance portal.


Also, there is zero chance LFD is harmed by peeps making their own groups, and you know it…and Blizz knows it.


Coming from people that dropped the whole game down the hole for years because “they knew best” its hard to take it that seriously that now… suddenly… they had this vision that this singular thing is what did it. That it is all so clear. Yet… they… you know leave it in the other product.

No, this sounds like the result of echo chamber development where the boss walks into the room and is like “RDF is what did all this anyone DISAGREE??!?!?!?!!??” and everyone wanting to keep their jobs just doesn’t say anything because thy lord has spoken.

Like I said if this was the biggest reason for the game going in a direction they don’t like it would be getting cut in Dragonflight too. But it isn’t. So obviously this isn’t the big problem its the problem they can rally enough yes people around to effectively 50/50 the situation into them getting out of the “ignoring feedback” card.


You can make your own group.

I remember a pug that almost caused me to swear off healing forever.

It was heroic Sethikk Halls and we got a pally tank. I was heals as a priest and had successfully done this dungeon at this level multiple times.

Tank couldn’t hold aggro AT ALL, was squishier than a rotten tomato and kept trying to pull half a room at a time. Every time we wiped, he’d get in text chat and yell at me for being a terrible healer. Two of the three DPS started blaming me as well. I was at my wit’s end trying to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong.

My friend was the third DPS and we were both in voice chat at the time. She heard all of my frustration and when I paused to take a breath she calmly told me “Inspect the tank”. I did and all my frustration melted away to be replaced by righteous anger. The tank had NO plate - NONE. He wore a couple of mail pieces but the majority was leather and cloth. Every single piece was stacked with intellect - barely anything had the strength or high stamina stats necessary for tanking.

We both urged the other two DPS to inspect the tank’s gear. A minute later one of them initiated the process to kick the tank. Never was a kick more well deserved or necessary.


Just out of genuine curiosity, say this happened. You can wait and requeue again right? But say you killed a boss in just a LFG group now your ID locked to say a heroic. RIP the rest of your run. Is that not a flaw for not having RDF? Also, how is kicking someone from an LFG group any less “toxic” then kicking from an RDF group? Other than a rebuff there is no difference.

Good question. I don’t know if they’re going to have ID locks for heroics or not.

I’m going to form my own groups so I will never have to deal with trolls abusing the kick system.

I’m going to form my own groups so I will never have to deal with trolls abusing the kick system.

I can get behind that but on the same note, why lobby to not have RDF in the game when there is obviously people with the same ideas as you can just group together and do your thing. Why be so selfish and not want other people to have something they want, just stick to your way off only your way?

Having more than one system do the same job hurts each system. That’s why they’re just going with one system.

Look at vanilla classic where global chat wasn’t on by default. Global LFG is hurt because there’s a huge proportion not using it.

Having everyone use the same system is better than splitting between the two.

I’d rather have LFG > RDF > Both systems.

When RDF originally launched, you couldn’t specifically queue into a heroic if you were locked, but random would allow you to re-run a heroic that was already completed, as long as you randomly queued into it. When RDF was first introduced, me and several friends, were still running our specific heroics every day for certain pieces of loot, and after we did those heroics, we would then queue random for hopes that we might get a second or third shot at some of the heroics we already did.

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This was my thought. If you only have LFG and you get the group who accepts you and you kill a boss and they kick you you are ID locked for the rest of the day no more badges and/or gear from that particular heroic instance. With LFG there is no way to combat that so called “toxicity.” With RDF you have chances to run multiple and reclear farm for badges, enchanting mats and all kids of gadgets and gizmos. Vote kick is no more toxic than rage kicking someone in an LFG group, which is where a lot of people go for their reasoning behind RDF.

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Yep, so can you. Even with original Dungeon Finder, get lost. When there are 50 groups in the garbage tool they are making, all “LF tank” or “LF healer” the gate keeping will get real. If you’re a tank, no worries w or w/o DF. So move on.