I’d take a good dps over a bad meta dps any day. I’m going to friend list all the strong dps while I level. Really looking forward to this!

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I’m starting to think you don’t play the game much, or maybe just as a tank. I only played the last month or so to get ready for WotLK Classic and in that short time on a mega server, people definitely min/maxed groups while leveling.

It seems they like to feel like pros. This means picking meta specs even for their easy dungeon group and pulling like it’s the MDI. Waiting to make their min max
groups can take a while, even though it’s absurd and excludes a lot of people who can do the content and just want to have fun.

If you fall behind the leveling curve in Wrath or are a non meta spec, is going to be rough.

Best advice to everyone for Wrath is to embrace the meta and pick something high on tier lists.


Ya, I agree. I doubt he plays much at all lol. His guild is perfect tho, Peon lol.


Current version of LFG tool allows mages to queue as tanks and warlocks as healers.
Current LFG tool gives no control to leader over whom to pick.
Current LFG tool gives leader screen wide pop up and in order to move to next person, you have to either accept or decline.

BulletinBoard is not going anywhere.
It’s a horrible system. At the very least, retail-like LFG should be introduced. Doesn’t need ilvl/gearscore. Doesn’t even need roles. Just queue your group, let others apply. You get a list applicants - pick & choose.


I fully expect blizzard to make the wrath LFG to look more like retails.

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I use the LFG tool a lot. I do quiet a bit of m+ pugging and organized a guide push group for this season to get KSH where in previous seasons I’d mostly pug KSM.

Ive also played since vanilla. So I would say I have play an above average amount.

But I’m not sure how any of that matters just because I like LFG more than RDF.

You know they’ve done this so you can queue while playing a different character. It’s not so a mage can actually tank.

True. The new RDF goes directly against The Social Contract we were all made to sign. Nothing but toxicity and excluding classes. Warriors, the least desirable WOTLK class (despite still being pretty good) may as well delete their characters, because they will never be invited to any group for any reason if Blizzard implements their new “Elitism Finder” system.


RDF does nothing against social contracts or interaction. Now I just have to click a role and people invite me because of that. No one says anything when we join up. I am sure we will get some 123’s in the chat for people wanting a summon. When its over everyone just leaves. That is just about the length of social interaction on any run that goes well. Of course, when it goes poorly, we will get some bad language and names flung about. But I think we can get that without the RDF. The sadder thing is their is no server community anymore really either. With mega servers you can hardly remember the names of guilds let alone people within them.


I tank primarily and in wrath ill most likely be tanking exclusively, Guess what classes I will choose not to bring? DKs, Pallys, Warriors. with RDF I would get them and have to deal with it, now I get my pick of the crop. This new system just did me a large favor to exclude my competition.


I don’t know why Blizzard need to try and reinvent the wheel. Wrath is an old game, we’ve all been there and done it, we’re trying to relive that experience. Just give us what we had, that was great. I just fear they’re going to release the game with their new LFG, people won’t use it and then we’re back to tbc, or people just not running dungeons as the expansion goes on.


Wait til you find out the group leader can kick you anytime they want.


As opposed to the LFG tool where th party leader can kick you any time they want without any opposition? Not sure how you think that’s any less toxic.


I’m going to be the group leader.

Haha, so what you’re saying is, you don’t like anyone else having power.


I think it will be less toxic based on my personal experience with LFG tool and RDF.

Absolutely. Why do you think I tank?

So have you heard about Realm Locked RDF which limits the toxicity? :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t believe that for a second.

Feel free to sign this petition regarding RDF if you disline the new one : )