Im sorry…thats literally the DUMBEST question this month in here lol.
you cant figure out why OLD content that NO ONE WANTS to run anymore in a group should be soloable. lmao?
let me guess…you got some rare drop and you want to make sure it stays rare, right
No… I said the only time we grouped up was for mechanics. Not all the time. Do you not understand that?
It was the norm since BC came out.
That doesn’t answer anything I asked, nor is that any sort of detail.
WHY? It’s ages old content. You have been asked several questions and ignored ALL of them. You give absolutely ZERO defense for why. So either back up your statements or stop trolling.
This is false.
He has yet to give any reasons for anything. He just says, “because it shouldn’t be that way.” Even though it’s been this way for over a decade.
Im going to go with option B.
Theres literally no reason whatsoever to even speak against players wanting to solo old content for pets and mogs and mounts.
Someone arguing against it seemingly has to be doing it just to be combative.
There is absolutely no logic to wasting ones time arguing against it, lol.
It literally affects that persons game in no way whatsoever that we can solo old content.
Other than Mythic KJ, and Mythic Gul’dan all other bosses haven’t been a problem at least for me, granted I haven’t tried any mythic raid bosses in antorous without a grp but that was how it was in BFA to so…
mechanically some bosses need changes.
Eonar(Mythic), KJ(mythic) , Soul Hunter(all modes with sleep canister) and Gul’dan (Illidan Phase)
Uhh, is that why people still ran Lich King and Kael’thas in group mode in Cataclysm? Because no one wants to do old raids?
This is literally the dumbest argument. If nobody wants to do old raids, why should Blizzard bother making them soloable LOL.
So that means you were never able to fully solo a raid apart from a few bosses? Hmm?
Just because you parrot things that didn’t happen, doesn’t make them happen.
Oh I did give up an argument, you just don’t like it lol. You find it irritating that you still need a few people to do legacy group content.
No it wasn’t. You could only solo it IF you abused mechanics, that is if your character could survive until you destroyed all the eggs. I remember soloing it myself because I knew how to abuse it until Blizzard just fixed it for you guys to do it too.
You clearly weren’t there. Because boss despawns the moment you picked up the orb without anyone else in the raid. Really showcases how little you know though.
It has only been this way for the last 6 years. Wdym lmao.
You could two man bosses in MC. Apart from a few classes like blood dk being able to solo SOME bosses.
And now you and your buddy have to share lockout and drops. GG.
aggramar, botanist, mythic kj, avatar, soul hunter, eonar (fel on the floor kills on any level pretty much on avatar)
to name a few… probably missing one or two maybe more.
yeah a patch that might come on 9.1.5 to advertise it as “content” patch too
lmao…pal, Ive TRIED to get groups together to run ToT…go tell your jokes to someone who doesnt know better, LOL.
NO ONE wants to run old raids.
lmao…no one wants to run them AT LEVEL.
Having some comprehension problems?
You either KNEW what I meant and are pretending to be uneducated…or you are uneducated.
we run them for MOGS, PETS, MOUNTS…we DONT run them for challenge anymore because its OLD content.
and as I said
“Theres literally no reason whatsoever to even speak against players wanting to solo old content for pets and mogs and mounts.
Someone arguing against it seemingly has to be doing it just to be combative.
There is absolutely no logic to wasting ones time arguing against it, lol.
It literally affects that persons game in no way whatsoever that we can solo old content.”
IF we want to run old dungeons for the challenge we’ll level a new character.
Try queueing for ToT, son…it aint happening.
Unless you were undeargeard (and wrath made gearing easier then ever) there was very few bosses you needed someone else for…
Even the first boss of BWL who got put up earlier as unsoloable was once you learned his mechanics… you burned the eggs near you first, worked your way to the other side of the room killing adds as they spawned on him, then rushed him to the furthest point you could just before MC wore off, murder hoboed anything near you and reapplied MC.
Molten Core bosses were all just gear and DPS checks or survivablity checks if you went a tank or healer spec to try and solo them.
They always have the perfect knack of sabotaging their own game. Kind of the same point but different to Legacy content but I spent the last part of my afternoon getting Cooking to 300 (to craft the Apple Cider for Winter Veil achieve).
Did you know the last Cooking recipe goes grey at 295? I tried looking for more recipes than just the vendor as well.
Why doesn’t the last recipe stay yellow or green until 300? Would that kill anyone, Blizzard?
Why does the recipe even ‘need’ to be 300? The Winter Veil recipes go: 1, 35, then 300. Would 250 killed anyone Blizz?
That’s another unnecessary obnoxious sabotage. I now have to wait 4 more days (Cooking daily for 1 point) to craft it.
It’s not just Legacy content or Cooking etc, I keep encountering stupid an unnecessary things in this game that bring it down for no reason.
I love farming old content and collecting things, once that goes or becomes harder than it should, I go.
His argument that it ‘didnt use to be that way’ are asinine.
The game changed at some point, apparently. It DOESNT matter if players couldnt solo old content up to X date. They have been able to for longer than Ive been playing. There is absolutely no logical reason to try to hinder that now.
MANY of us run the old content because we want to.
I play this game because I want to.
Start removing things I want to do in the game and I wont want to play as much.
Blizzard cant help themselves but literally make players NOT want to play the game they make for us to play lmao.
This company has got to be the most counter productive group of people Ive seen in my entire life.
Millions of people actually WANT to throw their gaming $$$ at them but they manage to find a way to drive off otherwise paying customers in droves with their continual and quite pointless antics.
It should be a hotfix but it’s a marketing move to keep mount/transmog farmers on hold with the excuse of “get more gear” when they literally have to change certain fights and increase the players damage aura buff on legacy places.
Why do you try to get people for raids that are soloable? If they weren’t. I’m sure you’d find a lot of people simply for the mounts.
I’m sure that a lot of other people run them for that. You’d have no problem getting a group then. Yes you might not get your desired mount so fast, but you can’t win them all, chief.