Old raids won't be fixed

Pay me.

I guess that depends on whether you want more paying customers, or you want everybody to quit who isn’t willing to lockstep hivemind the hamster wheel.


Come up with a better argument already.


You’d think. But when they did the stat squish to lvl 50 my warrior who could solo all of mythic heroic etc in legion content basically would die on Harjatan now. I haven’t even tried at 60 yet.


Like we always used to do when we soloed legacy content for transmog? Yes.

That’s why it’s legacy content.


It’s all 4 to 16years old. None of what you’re saying makes any sense.


That person is a lost cause…

I will leave to you all if you want to talk to walls… not my style I gotta finish this torghast run.


what about legion raid mechanics that can’t be soloed? Like infinite CC. There’s need to be a patch anyway

There is a different between doing group legacy content. There’s nothing hamster wheel about it. It gave mounts the added extra prestige, because even if you did Kael’thas in cataclysm there were still a few other guys you had to compete with to get that mount IF it dropped. Nowadays everyone and their nan owns it.

If you want to talk about a hamster wheel, we’ll talk about all the time gated systems put in place everytime a new expansion comes out.

Come up with a better argument that you somehow feel the need to justify content being soloable that used to require 10 to 20 people.

Not really, all you had going for was that you didn’t need as much people to do it. Yes that’s a form of legacy content too.

What does legacy content mean to you exactly lmao. Is it in the form of having less people required to do the content or do you just want to treat it like a single player.

Dumb devs figured we just run legacy for gold, not thinking players want mogs.


Legacy raids/dungeons have always been effectively single player content.
If they still required groups to clear, they should give higher/current ilvl gear as well.
The rewards have to match the effort.


Yes. An no one cares. BECAUSE IT’S OLD CONTENT.

No one is asking for new content to be soloable.

We’ve been able to solo old content for a decade and a half. Do you want people grouping up to go get the Baron’s horse in Strat now, too? You expect everyone to make groups for ZG mounts, as well? How about Kara?

You just want everything to be max level difficulty and force old content to be all group content? Why? What do you gain from this? Why should MC or Kara or BRF be group content now when they never were after those expansions were old?


Corruption got removed in the pre-patch, which did the level and ilvl squish.

But yeah, corruption was a massive borrowed power boost that made soloing Legion content easier.

Good call. I had forgotten what my item level was prior to the squish just what we had after since I was mostly just doing stuff with guild bored.

Consider it a challenge like back in BC/Wrath/Cata when you had to solo old raids without a legacy buff. That or get a couple friends.

Only if they were really bad.

Soloing old raids has been going on since TBC brought the cap to 70.

Nice bait. People still did naxxramas in groups and wiped. You just made this up didn’t you?

Ahhh I guess the name suits you and I got caught.

Yes they were. We were soloing BC stuff in Cata. The only time grouping was necessary was for mechanics. We’ve already been through this.

Because that’s literally how it is. It’s old content. It’s the norm now. It has been for over 15 years.

No. We could solo legacy group content all we wanted prior to this change.

I asked you first. You’ve had absolutely ZERO argument here and NOTHING to back up anything you’ve said. So start giving reasons and answering questions. Otherwise, you’re simply here to troll.


I was soloing MC/BWL on multiple characters in TBC.

Pretty much every time we were 10 over it was now mostly soloable.

Yea…maybe they should make them go up as we level…like what generally happens in rpgs.


Okay so first off you tell me people were soloing raids, but still grouped up due to mechanics? One is not like the other :joy:

It wasn’t the norm until MoP :confused:

No you didn’t lol.

Because players shouldn’t be entitled to clear group content. Now give me a reason why you should.

You couldn’t even solo the first boss in BWL up till MoP lmao

Which means they lied.
at 120 I could run raid X easily and I had cleansed all of my gear.
120 converted 50, not 60.
At 50 I couldnt run all of the same content i had been.
So they lied.
It wasnt the same as they advertised.
The scaling has been misprepresented from the start.

This is the kind of ongoing thing with this company that will eventually cause me to quit again, and at some point it’ll be permanent.
I dont like being lied to.

We dont run old raids for a challenge.
THEY KNOW we dont run old content for the challenge.
If I wanted a challenge with it, Id find some other players and go run it at level.
I do old raids for transmogs, pets and some mats.
This just feels like another one of Ions things about wasting our game time.

Ive always cringed a bit when someone says they dont understand the game or the community, but I think Im starting to get on board with that idea with the perpetual irritations from this company that DONT need to exist.

Ban keycloning software to try to stop bots?
Ok. Well IF it works I suppose Im on board.
Remove water walking from a mount i did the grind for twice…while I can still use the anglers raft?
Yeah, pointless change that only serves to annoy me into not wanting to play at all for a few days.

making me drag out old raids I ran easily before isnt going to endear me to this game. Its going to irritate me into taking a few days…or a few weeks…off to do other things.