Maybe you should follow your own advice. Running old content for mogs and mounts is fun and has nothing against this expansion.
Have been, but out of boredom would like to run old raids on nights where I have very little to do because everything is time gated in some way shape or form.
your highest piece of gear isnt even purple. maybe work on your monk more? lol
I love farming old content for mogs and mounts. If I can’t do like I could before that personally might be a reason for me to unsub.
maybe you could play this expansion before you inform others about their characters
Sure, because everyone plays the same way, sorry I am not a mythic plus spammer or raider, but I would still like to go and farm mog and mounts.
Guess you can’t comprehend that everyone plays this game differently, sorry that concept is lost on you.
It should be. It should be that we buy the expac, play it, and at 60 finally solo raids like Mythic Argus to farm some of the best looking tier sets in this game (for some classes, imo), especially since they removed tier gear.
Players in Cataclysm were still making groups for ICC 25 man, or even TBC raids lol.
Honestly, you guys sound like you’re entitled a bit.
Yes because there were 1 expac apart, not 2 like legion…
You do realize the reason we made groups was because of mechanics, not damage, yes?
And Legion is two expansions old. It’s considered legacy content.
We play an RPG, where we’re supposed to level up and get stronger than things that are FIFTEEN LEVELS BELOW US.
Please explain what exactly is “entitled” about expecting the game to work properly. I’ll wait.
So my main was able to get to mythic Krosus while in heroic Ny’alotha gear. Turns out you have to actually do the imps. Who knew?
I was looking forward to being able to get Legion stuff because holy cow was Legion an awesome expansion for transmog. Nighthold alone…
I’m kinda hoping it will be doable later on as we get more raids and gear. Obviously legacy should be turned on now, but I don’t think it’ll be this big hurdle forever.
The scaling of legion is so off they could be a mythic at highest key cleared and it not help in legion.
Also not all deem running a dungeon, now with timer…as driving game content. I cleared all dungeons heroic. I saw the stories…nice stuff in some cases. Dungeon goals complete.
Here for some like me enters mog hunts. It kill time till next weeks episode. What will I add to my kyrian base next week? Something I will have to wait till next week to find out. All I know is right now my kyrian base has a lot of heart lol.
And I LFR’d the raid. So its wait for next installment. LFR that again. I really just want to see the story there. Maybe I will take a second char there.
Yes so that means you’ll be able to clear legacy content with lesser people? Or do you just want to be an avenger?
More like entitled players whining here for content they think they deserve to do.
I dont really farm old content much but they fact they refuse to fix this and say it will iron itself out eventually is absurd.
Blizz really needs to listen to its player-base. There is a large chunk of players that look forward to being able to clear content they maybe never stepped in before.
Doesnt matter if the content isnt current anymore, they should be able to do so if they feel like it. They pay their sub fee, they should be able to play the game how they want. The fact that Blizz needs to dictate how people play old content now is laughable.
As opposed to a few people who cry and throw a tantrum when they can’t solo old raids without given much thought to it?
Until SL…this was the way.
WoD was smashable at 120 with basic gear.
its 2 expacs back. Its legacy.
Wouldnt pay too much atention to people that uses buzzwords such as “entitled” “crying” “whining” “complaning” as opinions they don’t agree with.
And just because it was a thing two expansions ago, why does that mean it’s okay now?
There were still raids you couldn’t solo due mechanics in MoP. Blackwing Lair for example was unsoloable unless you knew how to abuse the mechanic. Because the boss despawned if he had nobody to attack besides the player mindcontrolling him. Which is why you either threw down a flag or an engineering dummy. Or you just took a friend. There were other bosses with these mechanics, like the bomb guy in molten core who threw you into the air and you died from fall damage.
Ofcourse, the majority of brainlets playing wow couldn’t figure it out, so Blizzard has to continuously dumb down content for them.
What I don’t get is, why is it justifiable to solo content that required groups to do in the first place. It kind of is the reason why we powercreep everything to the point Blizzard has to tune numbers every 2 to 3 expansions.
Why is it not okay to take lesser people? Because you actually have to interact with people in a multiplayer game still?
How are these buzzwords?