Old raids won't be fixed

Yes, especially when I log into a Forsaken Priest alt.

Again, your immersion should not impact my fun.

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Troll go back to your cave


They cant even fix the current stuff, what makes you think they even want to fix old raids?

I think one-shotting an old god is problematic immersion-wise.

So you think people farm mounts and transmogs, in some case collecting legendary weapons like the DK axe or the mace from Ulduar, cause they’re Roleplaying with themselves?

You sir have your finger on the pulse of this community.


i don’t know in which world farming mogs and mounts is more immersive than fighting major lore figures…

It might be on purpose to keep people just focusing on Shadowlands. They can’t have people in legacy content all day…

It’s hilarious I have people telling me I’m an idiot for thinking a quest making me go back to BfA content is bad; because it makes old content relevant. And then Blizz goes ahead and doesn’t properly tune old raids so people can’t go back and clear old content the way they want thus forcibly making older content irrelevant. 10IQ common sense from die hard fanboys.


So trash unreal

Why would they care?

Transmog is one of the most, if not the most, popular features they’ve ever added to this game. They nerfed the gold gained, but people still want the gear.

Maybe I’m alone in this, but a good chunk of their new models look bad/boring. I came back in BFA and swore they phoned it in on some of the sets just because people could transmog anyway.

I’m sorry about what happened to your troll bridge. I hope someone builds another for you soon. Such a tragedy.

UPDATE: Another middle finger was given on February 22, 2021

Link added for the interview question added to the OP. I’m not sure why Lyin Hasitcostus is still the lead on this game anymore. It’s almost like they want it to die at this point.

I resubbed long enough to do love is in the air and guess ill be back next year for the same thing. Then ill be back in 9.3 I guess unless love is in the air comes again before then.

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blizzard forgot that people play the game differently than just one or two ways at the start of this very expansion, such as the removal of custom groups for people lower than 50, meaning now people cant make rp groups unless there a high level. And now twinks cant enter battlegrounds without gaining experience.


Well this was a lie and in fact its worse, I kill things faster in 9.3 at 272 ilvl than i do at 70 with a 375 ilvl.

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