Old raids won't be fixed

I mean it has to be. That’s the only rational reason I can come up with. It has to be true.

…It has to be…

…It has to…


Don’t read into it too deep, he probably just enjoys the attention he gets.


provided for some classes a little harder actually means impossible on nearly then our washington untruth teller is holding true to lawyer weasel word tactics isn’t it?

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Wrong, people say that to make sure you’re not a troll, you have been proven over and over again to be a troll, and would be nice if blizzard would ban you from the forums to stop stirring up trouble.

As much as i see you post on the forums, you have no job, def not a father and probably 15 years old, foh troll


You were at a 9/10 Trolling effort but you devolved to a 0/10 for continuing to post and try to bait replies, ergo becoming too thinly veiled.

You are at risk of failing Troll academy. See me after class. Now.


Beep Boop Beep, all systems are working as intended. Beep Beep Boop.

How bad is this? If I were still farming the Baron Riven or Ravenlord mount, and I’m screwed?

If you think about it in the most traditional sense, although classic RPGs don’t have scaling, it was de facto present by leading you through the story in increasingly dangerous areas. The pacing was designed so that, by the time you finish Area 1’s story, you’d be strong enough for Area 2 to continue the story. Sure, you could stay in Area 1 and crush everything, but the story continually drives you into a new area that is always a de facto difficulty reset.

Take a simple game like Dragon Warrior. You start off beating slimes with a stick, but if you tried venturing outside of the area with slimes, you’d get your face murdered. Eventually, you get enough levels and better equipment/spells that you can go into those areas and survive. Repeat until you beat. The difference in WoW is that they’ve tried to implement a system where that is smoothed out a bit along the process, since it was getting to the point where the sheer number of “areas” and the speed at which they want the leveling process to occur were directly at odds with each other. You’d be in area and barely spend any time there before the “slimes” were inconsequential and it was time to move on.

I think too many people read nefarious things into level scaling and the ideas behind it. At it’s core, it’s a way to make “area switching” a smooth process, but in doing so the changes are more behind the scenes than it traditionally is. We no longer have hard gating (i.e. be level 20, have an iron sword, learn the spell Hurtmore), so it is what it is.

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TONS of us. lmao. Especially those of us who DIDNT PLAY the game for more than a decade of its existence and now want all those old mogs.
This guys jokes just keep getting more and more whimsical/obscene.


Its that obvious? lol.
Thats why I put him on ignore. Im not giving him anymore direct attention.

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If you’re a 250+ item level, 8675309 RIO, mythic gladiator… you might be able to 3 man it.

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my druid is 163 now…I might have to go see what happens.

What do you think the people were doing before they went to farm old content?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Because if you ask me, i’m pretty sure they played the expansion for a bit to become more powerful, because levels suppose to make you more powerful then the previous levels.


I don’t know why they’re being so stubborn with old content. It’s TWO EXPANSIONS OLD why there isn’t a legacy buff is beyond me…

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During the pre-patch without the corruption gear, I still didn’t have problems doing Legion Mythic Nighthold. Still got the bosses I could down in the same time w/ corruption gear. Now at level 60 ilvl 188 (so 10 levels higher and 50-60 ilvls higher) I get a lot worse times and the boss I couldn’t beat then can’t even get below 60% whereas BfA I could get that boss to the 30s%.


This is the same person who calls people entitled is now using the argument of “MUh Prestige”.

So what if it’s easily accessible by anybody to go and grab the mount from these raids? What does it have to do with what were talking about? Were talking about doing legacy content that is once 110 content, something that we can solo easy enough on normal legion on our level 120’s back on BFA and that’s before corruptions.

Nobody is talking about “prestige” but you. I honestly doubt people care about the prestige really, they just go get it because they think the mount looks cool and adds to their collection. Why would they get upset if somebody else has it?

Well yes, that happens. You have mechanics that you can’t do on your own and either it’s because it’s tough, or can’t do it solo because of the mechanics or in the rare cases, you might need to bring a healer along.

Well that’s your subjective opinion.

Since this is an RPG and ideally if you outlevel something, you should be more powerful then whatever mob in that certain zone/instance is, because they have lower numbers then you.

a 600 HP mob shouldn’t stand a chance against a 30k HP Player.

Pot meet Kettle. :roll_eyes:

…Well you certainly did give up.

And you don’t like their arguments either.

Can you provide proof that this is the truth back then, and not just one random video from 2010 of somebody doing it?

Well he bought up “prestige” as an argument, so that doesn’t surprise me.


I can live with this, if it weren’t for the fact that we’re weaker in the previous zones too. We all started off in Bastion as level 50, with level 50 mobs. We leveled our way throughout all 4 zones to 60, but when we go back to Bastion, they’re now level 60 and the same difficulty as later zones, which at the point of a fresh 60, is now even harder than it was when you started off in that zone as a 50.

It gets even worse when we return to BFA, which is not a part of SL leveling, and find the mobs there are as difficult as SL mobs. We also found previously soloable mobs/bossed to not be so-soloable anymore.

That kind of backwards progression (regression) is what we’re most irked with.


Whelp you just put my sentiments into words! Thank you for this. I will adapt and still continue to play, but man, it feels weird and clunky doing old content. And I truly love doing it :slight_smile: :grinning:

someone needs to sit ion down and tell him what the HELL an rpg is. be really condescending, too

“alright, ion. today we’re going to learn what an rpg is. when you gain a level, your stats increase. that means that lower level enemies die faster.”

ugh…i miss getting upgrades or grinding a few levels and actually noticing a difference. then scaling somehow got picked up by stupid devs that think it’s a good idea.

imagine taking a genre and completely designing against it. why even?