Old raids won't be fixed

Mount drops are a luxury, they were difficult back then and the release of solo legacy content has made these rare mounts far less rare so this change increases the rarity of these mounts again which is overall a good thing!

What would be a luxury, is you not trolling every thread that shines a light on the stupidity of this Dev team.


No, it doesn’t. Unless you’re implying there’s several million brand new players playing this game that don’t have those mounts.

Mounts are easy to purchase for most players, rare mounts however have always been a luxury due to its lucrative drop rates. If everyone has a rare mount due to it being easy content to solo, it no longer becomes rare therefore the luxury feel of that rarity goes down. With the new permanent changes, this brings the rarity back up as folks are all going to try and get their hands on it again!

Considering Legion raids haven’t had personal loot since the end of March, this may be a little difficult.

Well that is a bummer. Figured this would be the case, they don’t want to waste time and resources going back and fixing old content. I think this is a VERY dumb move on their part. I guess we will see how it plays out… :grimacing:

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They don’t. Only a really small portion do it.


No, seriously, what in the wide, wide world of sports is that? How do stats going down as your level goes up make any sense at all? (Yes, I remember BFA - the point remains)


Oh good, I see tupak beat me here already. Casual reminder for everyone that he’s a troll. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-do-people-simp-for-blizzard-so-much-these-days/763334

Anyway, I already unsubbed, mostly because I’m unable to go back and farm Legion content like I was planning on doing. SL content wasn’t bad but it wasn’t really enough to justify my sub. I’ll play other stuff until it’s fixed, if it ever is.


Ahh my #1 fan girl has arrived!

They seem to think we’re dumb enough to actually believe that they have to tune it all.
A buff on all characters of some sort… +1000% damage would do it, Id think…to any old raid content.


Its got to be the same guy posting on alts.
Having two of them that actually believe this hoax in here at the same time is less likely than the sun burning out in the next 30 seconds.


The more I read his posts, the more I’ve concluded that he’s actually doing this for the greater good.

He’s actually presenting himself as Blizzard would and is generating additional valuable feedback from the community as a result. Look how quickly Torghast was reverted.

…Right? That’s what’s going on here right?

Well, technically that leaves out everything.

This is such a pointless thing not to fix. It really damages collection completionists who farm mounts, transmog, etc.


Just another aspect of the game people enjoyed they screwed up,

Yeah… I don’t think so. lol

I went back to BfA to do a quest chain at ilvl 175. It was like questing in SL without any chance of dying. All the mobs were damage sponges that hit like wet noodles.

Folks don’t understand the vision of Ion and the Dev team, they have done nothing but great things for WoW!

You have statistics on this? I know a lot of people who love to farm mounts/xmog/achieves in old raids.