Old raids won't be fixed

I giggled at this. I didn’t note it until you posted it… lol

Again, this might be the case today but these changes are permanent and here to stay so folks will either deal with it or leave. The ones that understand the genius behind Ion’s decision will queue with others to defeat the old gods and titans of WoW, this makes for a much more community based experience which is overall healthier for the game!

The whole thing sounds like they Broke it with bad maths during the level squish and honestly, they don’t want to waste time with trying to fix it.


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Difficult is ramped to current, but drops are not.
That fact alone makes the truth easily realized.

Sounds like they are/were afraid of people not being as interested in Shadowlands content. If this is the case perhaps they should make the current content more appealing. Besides unless it’s the last few months of an expansion, I tend to focus on current expansion things then when I complete the things I want to complete I go & run the raids/dungeons that I still don’t have the mounts from.

Really this is just a stupid decision. Letting people run legacy raids solo isn’t going to keep people from the new content, because once they get down with current content for the day/week then they farm what they don’t have.

Asking people to post on their mains and not on their alts is an elitist attitude.

Like for example, I could also make a remark that people are better off playing the game than commenting so much on the forums, because some people have more read time on the forums than their actual /played ingame.

Folks can ignore the truth all they want, but the reality is that these changes are permanent and here to stay so the quicker folks get used to it the sooner we can all start fighting the old gods of WoW and earning our loot!

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What kills me is theyre cutting their own wrists on this one.
They want us in new content as much as possible, but then they dont enable something in old content raids so we just burn thru it, get our mogs, pet, whatever and get back into current content.

Honestly, I cant figure out if its sadism or a complete lack of common sense that drives some of this stuff lol


A man of class and culture. It’s great seeing other people engage and defend the RPG spirit of the game. No longer are our characters marvel tier characters but actual adventurers.

You want Invincible? Better make a group for it. You don’t have to invite as many people as if it were current content. That alone is a good enough reward to run legacy content.

They’re just going to extend personal loot from Legion raids to the expansions before them. So everyone got a fair chance to loot it, and if required, pass it onto a friend if they already have it!

He’s responding to his own alt.

:grimacing: That’s cringe.


This was by far the biggest complaint of players that they were too powerful! Now we have a perfect compromise of player level and gear level to raid difficulty, I think a lot of players will grow to love these changes.

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unacceptable response



You’re seeing things that aren’t there. It’s perfectly fine for people to agree on topics that are controverse to you without them being of the same people.

Level 60 means being forced into current SL content. That’s exactly why they did not apply the legacy buff, so players cannot level to 60 AND choose to farm older content instead.


Even more cringe. He’s pretending it’s not his own alt.


Whatever you want to believe bucko :man_shrugging:

I’ve never seen anything so sad.

They should fix this issue. People like to farm old raids.


As a father of 3 kids with 2 full time jobs, I’ve seen this behavior before with my kids when they were younger. I think it’s called denial? It’s ok, as time moves on they’ll grow up to be ok with the changes.

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Like everyone wants to run a legacy raid with a 10 man group to share a .0001% mount drop. Pull your head out please.