every seasonal achievement in this game at this point has been made obtainable in hours while available for nearly a year at a time
if the people in your camp still aren’t happy
and the people in my camp on the opposite end of the spectrum that want more challenging non participation rewards to exist aren’t happy
who’s actually winning rn
What part of not every one has the time to no life the game did you not understand? And mental illness? Really? That’s so childish. If you can’t grasp a reality beyond your own every day life then maybe keep your ignorant opinions to yourself since they help no one. People like you make it very hard for new players and casual players to exist in this space. Everyone always says wow is dying. It’s because the community is unfriendly, if you haven’t been playing since classic you’re missing out on half the game, and there’s so much content that it becomes overwhelming for new players to learn the game (which is a good thing but a daunting task) and they are stuck trailing behind everyone and being treated as a nuisance for a year or however long it takes them to fully grasp the scope of the game.
Lot to say here. First of all, the vast majority of players don’t “no life the game”. Further, there are literally thousands of players who play this game less than the average person watches tv and are more than capable of achieving rewards.
With all due respect, I think you need to take your own advice here.
YOU brought up the topic of illnesses when in the exact post you replied to you said:
Wow is a complex game! There’s a lot to it for endgame pvp AND pve, and theres an extremely wide range of ability and scalar rewards accordingly. Further, there are similar complaints about PVE as there are to pvp from the exact same communities.
For every “casual” player struggling to get into pvp, there is another (and often times the SAME) player who can’t get into raiding because using lfg can be hard or frustrating or they think their class isn’t meta / gets out-performed by other classes or thinks the encounter design and balance arent fun or fair etc.
Sure, but people have been saying the game is dying since Vanilla. Further, I think the wow community can ABSOLUTELY be toxic, but I’ve also never seen anyone be toxic to a new player genuinely asking for help.
I am talking about an accessibility issue hence the mention of chronic illness which in case you haven’t noticed is increasing worldwide due to the lasting affects of COVID, and a game that cannot accommodate a growing demographic is one that will inevitably fail. You haven’t cited any sources so I am hesitant to believe what you say about the “vast majority” because my experiences over the years playing this game have time and time again proven otherwise. As for the toxicity, again in my experience just sitting watching the new player chat I have repeatedly seen people say they are struggling to learn the game, feel ostracized, are being harassed for not understanding things, and feel wary of continuing to play the game despite how fun it is (something they all frequently say) because they’ve seen how the seasoned players speak to each other. These things have been an issue for a very long time and I don’t think anything will ever change because of posts like this. Where you refuse to acknowledge the issues inherent in the system and thus refuse to advocate for change. A game can be both challenging, expansive, fun, AND accessible. WoW has a huge issue with accessibility. Exiles Reach and arachnophobia mode are just appeasements to skirt around the real and very big issue of ableism within the community and game itself. And with that I am done. There is no point putting effort into a one sided discussion.
Wow saw an INCREASE in population during and immediately following covid.
Further, I raided with a blind guy and helped a hunter friend with a seizure disorder get gladiator in BFA. Between the in-game options and community addons, wow is arguably THE most accessible game out of everything in the industry.
Further, 99.999% (literally even more than that) of rewards in wow are available to everyone at any time. It is okay to have an extremely small minority of rewards/achievements have higher effort requirement AND require some skill expression to get.
So you’re arguing that wow is simultaneously ableist and that everyone is getting more and more ill and unable that wow will die because an increasingly disable population won’t be able to get a pvp set?
This is reaching at best and downright disingenuous at worse.
This is a HUGE problem with streamer culture and parasocial learning. Tarzaned can stream league for 6 hours a day making claims that could literally be taken as legal slander and put him in jail, but THAT’S who the community sees and watches.
Metaphors had a mental breakdown yesterday and raged at maldiva, a multi r1 warlock and said that he was an awful player (and then some other things). However, to his credit, he did have several players ask him to explain his frustration and he didn’t flame or blame any of them and was honestly more fair than he needed to be given that several were probably trolls trying to bait a reaction.
I don’t think that’s fair to say at all.
99.9999% of things are freely available. A small minority require differing levels of achievement to achieve. Those give players the sense of progression integral to the rpg and are GOOD to have because they give players goals to work towards.
I’m happy to have a conversation, I just don’t think you’re being genuine in your point.
I just don’t agree, this kinda mentality is what kills PvP imo. It feels like an elitists mentality, PvP needs more rewards and doing something like shuffling old armor sets could be nice, not saying it would fix PvP participation forever but it could help get more people interested thus increasing participation which would be more fun for everyone. We need more people to play and show interest in it, I’m sad that PvP is slowly dying out. Even if this was a temporary fix it’s still better than nothing.
I just feel like most WoW players can’t even see how their behavior is toxic and gatekeeping is what kills PvP. It’s slowly bleeding out and will continue to do so until there’s nothing left, so I see nothing wrong with adding some rewards that would be easy for Blizzard to implement like old elite sets, but I guess it’s more important to flex them
I think instead of trying to reintroduce old mogs and mounts they should just improve on the current rewards that are being given. old illusions elite mogs and mounts were looked at amazing due to there was more effort. Now, we get a bat… and an illusion that is legit the opposite of what people want and an elite mog that looks like something a freshman in community college would use for colors. Did I mention I think the bat is legit the worse thing ever and the WoD mount looks 100000% better? Blizz fix plz
I get what you’re saying and I’d agree if I thought Blizzard cared enough to put resources into a dying game mode. But honestly I feel like PvP is always last priority. So once again the easiest option and laziest would be to just implement old rewards back into rotation, it’s a win win imo.
The actual real “toxicity” comes from entitled people with a gimme gimme attitude, that’s why blizavision keeps making more and more rewards basically baseline to the point the season dies in 4 weeks bc ppl are only queuing for bribes.
Pvp’s core issues come from a gameplay pov, more bribes are only temporary nonfixes.