Also worth pointing out some of the failures were because they were limited by worrying about how people would complain when they updated models.
So you have a model like the Blood Elf female with a noticeably low mouth and long nose. Looks slightly weird and would have been easy to fix when they rebuilt the model. But they made sure it fitted onto the old skeleton perfectly so… no changes. A LOT of the old models were build with limitations in mind - a good example is the tailless worgen. Why? Because the original vanilla worgen were a minor mob in one zone. So were built quickly. So were animated with a humanoid skeleton rig which they adjusted to fit a humanoid wolf. And said skeleton won’t have had a set of tail bones to wag. So no tail. So no tail on the worgen PCs. And no tails on the update.
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The thing that gets me the most about the old models is the hands. I’m pretty sure the original reason I rolled troll instead of orc was because their mitts looked like a glob of green french fries.
Then it wouldn’t be Classic. It’s not a remake, it’s the original game. That’s why there’s a difference.
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Sure. But as they proved with Warcraft 3, they’re entirely capable of doing a remastered product. Or making an older one more appealing. And companies generally do this (Halo etc spring to mind). In this case the hatred for modern wow is so intense people seemed to veer more towards the Anything old = best, Anything new = garbage and must be renounced.
All I was saying was… a remastered classic wow would have looked a hell of a lot nicer but, eh. Whatever.
(i started playing during the SOO Patch in pandaria)
On this same idea, I don’t know how anyone can look at modern Orgrimmar and think it’s better than the original.
Old Orgrimmar was dark, dank, foreboding, spooky. Modern org is a canyon with some buildings in it
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The new character models were almost universally hated when they were released in MoP, they ruined a lot of the races when all they had to do was update the textures, not the skeletons and animations.
Rip undead casting
Rip troll run
Rip orc run
Rip fem human
i disagree a lot about this…
the NEWEST races are really good. Their hairs, their faces, all the cool things, and again is not even close to be a good number of color choices, blizzard need to make more 20 styles of hair to nightbournes and f. mag’har orcs to be honest…
Valeera is cool like 10/10…female blood elfs are 6/10.
Lorthemar is really cool now - male B.E are 2/10…
The new npcs are really good and our character have a lot work to be as good than the npcs.
There is a undead in some old loading screen that is really pretty (even if is an undead), the undead that we have now as a character sucks.
Well, the new races are “ok” but we need more indeed…
So go make a human male or night elf male right now and tell me that it isn’t cringe please.
Obviously you can post on these forums as any of your characters but your argument becomes completely pointless when you post as a female panda character. Obviously I am not talking about the female avatars when I say that things look more pretty and bouncy now. Female characters can’t look cringy by being pretty and bouncy. Furthermore, pandarens are supposed to be bouncy… that is their aesthetic, which is cool in its own right.
They look pointier for sure.
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It’s the same art style. One is just low resolution.
My first impression on seeing the older models in beta was…
I guess I’m spoiled by the pretty new ones.
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Not really, there are obvious similarities but like male Gnomes, beardless didn’t look weird before, not they look freakish without facial hair.
Sure, but that’s not what some wanted. It’s a way for people to play the old models. And by their decision, I’m making an assumption that they think more people wanted Classic and not remastered.
I feel the opposite. I wouldn’t play it. But we all have different opinions.
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I’m sorry but the look on the face of the old one speaks to me “mercy kill”
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I agree 100%, they were fugly.
The real problem with the newer models comes when you try to transmog pre WoD (low res) gear on them. It just looks terrible. There’s weird stretching that wasn’t there on the original models, because everything fit right. They need to go back and update the armor models so they look right on the new character models.
Especially since Red Dead is back in the scene.
The old models for pretty much everything in the game are definitely objectively inferior in almost every way, but the “same face” problem with the new character models is definitely a real thing.
The original female human faces, for example, all looked noticeably different, but when Blizzard revamped them, we got this:
What looks like one face making a variety of subtly different expressions is actually the fifteen “different” new female human faces. That kind of blatant lack of effort was indefensibly lazy on Blizzard’s part, and it wasn’t unique to human females either.