Old Andorhal-ians?

Jfc talk about throwback

anyone here playing wow classic?

thinking about getting into since I can’t leave my house

I miss my days raiding with Endeavour. Second best on horde side i’d say, during icc progression. damn you simple maaaaaath. jk it was fun keeping up with you. I rememeber splitting off on festergut and rotface in ICC to get a server first from you guys haha.

Hello, was reflecting on my old Paladin days back on andorhal and found this forum! I was on andorhal from vanilla-wrath. I was one of three geared ret paladins on alliance at the time, I was always doing bgs/arena and spent most of my free time picking fights wherever I could (mostly Isle of Quel’thas) I was in the guild Check Six. Some names I played with were Hienvo, Haivo, Flipy, Snorlax, Dannimal, Atticus (was with him the night he quit), Azcore and many more. My arch rival on horde was squizzler (blood elf Paladin) and chilly the notorious undead frost mage. Andorhal in BC was still the golden age for me personally, I miss it so much.

Sigh… can I help you?


<3 Guciiiii

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i used to be in a guild called flaming bunnies ally side way back in wrath days was a good guild. miss thoes days cant wait for wrath servers.

We formed in 2006

Hey guys its 2004 whatsup


Making my rounds…


Atticus, I was with you the last night you were on in BC, I think you quit after that. I was a ret paladin named palindor and we were in nagrand at the throne of elementals during BC, we fought like 5 horde and then you said you were quitting, idk why I remember that lol.

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I remember when Atticus stopped playing. He wanted me and Dunsparrow to carry the spirit of him when he was gone.

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Well for what its worth. I played Elf Hunter HJM in vanilla, during TBC, HJM and Simplehealz (Draenai Priest) played with and guilds. In WoTLK HJM, Simplehealz and Simplerunez (Human DK) some of the guilds I remember being part were . I quit playing around the ICC raids last thing i remember was doing putricide and sindragosa, sadly I never got to clear ICC.

Although I didnt guild with some of the following people I do vaguely remember some names that i wouldnt mind reconnecting with.
Grissom(rogue), Norah(priest), Kuchiki(rogue), Saberthil (Warlock), Wokki(lock), Pedromo? (lock) Matheas ?? (lock)
Lyoness (tank) Gummiebear (healadin)
There are some hunter friends that i cant member their names
Vie, Voe, Littlewing!

Hey Palindor! Remember me? I remember we played together a lot and hung out in ventrilo and stuff a lot back in the tbc days. I just got back on WoW after not playing since Wotlk was released.

If anyone else remembers me from those days feel free to message me in game. I was one of the original members in Battery Operated and remember leveling up with Ansel/Larina and a few others. As well as a couple other folks I used to play with, Azcore, Cathalia, Chilly the UD mage who would run around hillsbrad 1v5’ing alliance. Feels like a lifetime ago, glad to see some names I recognize here. Even if the thread is old.


Of course I remember you! You were my ret inspiration! I miss Azcore and Chilly :frowning: I’ll definitely message you in game at some point.

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I’ve stopped playing temporarily but I will be back when the patch for the next xpac drops. Hit me up then if you’re playing.


OP here, this is actually my original paladin “Everest” from back in those days. Anyone remember an undead rogue that would always gank on the Isles? I think his name was Zyzz or something. I always played an enhance shaman called “Crystalpepsi”.

Once Ruby Sanctum came out, I was pretty much done with WoW, only to revisit it once a year.

We will definitely play together again Aetheon!

I remember fighting Zyzz a lot in the Quel’danis. I lived on that island ganking all day and he did too.

Your hunter was the first hunter who demonstrated how a skilled hunter handles a rogue… It was in WoLK, Storm Peaks, eastern shore of the frozen lake east of Dun Niffelem. I remember it was if it was yesterday.