Ok...how are people feeling about the world boss lockout?

To be fair, the world boss lags the entire zone when people fight it, probably for the best people don’t feel compelled to fight it 5-60 times a week.

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Very interesting point. I wonder if plate wearing one-character players feel happier about this because they can get better bag ilvl (what is shown when signing up for groups, and lets you unlock LFR, and get better ilvl world quest rewards) even if they can’t use it.

Oh did they not patch that?

I didn’t know about it until this thread, but I was curious why I got a warbound piece of gear

Normally I ignored world bosses as I never got loot and I felt I wasted my time traveling to the boss

As someone with 65 toons though - every class, spec etc I do like the change. Though I realize I am not normal, but I will always have a character that could use the item

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Tbh I never thought anyone really cared about world bosses. The drops were always rare and it just seemed like a fun thing to do once a week whenever you were out in the world questing. I think it’s a good change. And I like that this week there were two world bosses. Need more of that.

I liked the Zaqari Elders bosses that were in Zaralek Caverns. Now that was a fun world boss fight.

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Honestly its incredibly frustrating.

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Does that guarantted drop mean that its guaranteed on the first fight and you get nothing else at all account wide, or that its just guranteed on the first fight and RNG the rest of the time?

How it should work:

First Kill: 100% warbound for the armour class of the participating character.
Subsequent kills: Low % Chance (Like 10?) for Soulbound gear.


Must be nice to get anything from the world boss, I didn’t get ANYTHING on my first account kill for the week.

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I believe it’s once a week per account with no exceptions of a rng low chance. They were pretty straight forward with it.

OK, so it would be pointless to have my other characters do the fight at all, which seems a bit sad.

nothing has changed. you still have a chance at a piece of loot just like every other world boss before him. except now you will get 1x warbound loot as well.

i did the world boss and got a champion neck and a warbound item went in my bag with it.

Oh is that the deal? That explains the cloth pants dropping for my pally. Then again, pants are always dropping for him :wink:

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i dont think i’ve ever gotten a single useful thing from world bosses. its literally a waste of time to even fly there when there are far more rewarding things like delves, weekly quest chests, that actually reward guaranteed pieces of gear.

I prefer this because it is an addition. It ain’t supposed to be something that fully replaces anything so having it be this “random loot piñata” which may or may not give you gear that can range from useless, to BiS, to a tier piece, and to something which you already have an item for … I much prefer getting a confirmed piece a week that will be useful.

Even if it isn’t useful for the character it dropped on.
Still though, the world quest rewards is damn good so I’m honestly happy just about those for right now on other characters.

I feel like gearing is just a treadmill and I would rather just do it the old-fashioned way get to a level that I find acceptable and then forget about sweating the content that gives me minuscule chances. At the end of the day, it’s a video game and I play it to relax not to panic myself because I didn’t get three extra item levels.

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World bosses has been always a 1 time kill a week for loot, thats like forever

So the game is not-alt friendly again… Thanks Blizz!

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No issues from me, I am not using the World Boss for all of my loot distribution.

Yeah, but before you could farm on however many toons and try to get armor specific loot.

Now it is one attempt per week for a piece of loot on the whole account. Not toon specific.