Ok...how are people feeling about the world boss lockout?

Feeling slightly frustrated it’s a once a week account lockout for a low chance at a single piece of loot I might not even be able to use.

I do have three different armor type toons going on, since I seem to be getting anything but my main’s gear needed that’s warbound.

Only positive is my main is fully mythic geared from season one so I can’t really benefit from anything other than higher delves, M+ or raiding. But I feel bad for those who might only play a single toon and they aren’t playing enough to max out.

I feel like if it’s a once per week on the entire account that you could at least get the correct armor type?


well, to be fair, its 100% chance for a piece of loot you might not be able to use

I still don’t like it


Is it supposed to be 100%? I ran with people for their first kill of the week and they got nothing.

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these warbands deal is getting worse all the time


This patch has been mirred in a sea of very little tiny changes that when put together, make up REALLY BAD IDEAS.

This being one of them. This is just adding to the time-gating fatigue the patch is pushing, and it cuts the longevity of the content.

This patch is going to crash and burn in 2 months.




yeah and i wonder what if someone doesnt play the class/armor type it drops for

waste of a week


Well, one could make the argument that world boss drops tended to be extremely rare so you probably weren’t going to get anything anyway


I mean yes and no. Maybe I had better luck that the average person but it wasn’t the worst grind in the game for drop rates.

Normally you’d get them pretty quick from the world bosses. I found a lot of the time they weren’t super great but it could help.

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Yea, i don’t particularly like it either

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Kind of hoping they make changes, but they probably won’t.

Definitely making some odd warbound choices. Same with locking the whole account to one faction all week. Kind of wish I could work on the different alts doing different things that benefit each of them.


Yes and all it seems to drop is plate armor.

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Well, that’s a sacrifice to account wide reps

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Grind is a technique that makes people play longer which makes more money


I’m not saying I don’t want to do it. I’m just pointing out the system for it isn’t very well thought out for the overall playerbase. :woman_shrugging:

I am a player that grinds all of the content. I collect achieves, mounts, pets and I work on alts. This new setup is definitely not very well thought out.

I don’t get why people react to screaming things like don’t do it in all caps. :joy:


That’s worse than what I thought it was but still better than what it used to be.

I thought it would be a chance to get an item for yourself and a separate chance to get a warbound item.

One guaranteed warbound item a week is still much better than what world bosses were in DF and TWW S1 though.

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so you’re a player that does literally no main stream content that anyone cares about. got it.

I mean I guess. But the people that grind aren’t going to need that boss within a week or two. I know I might still do it once in a while but anyone playing outgears a world boss pretty quick if they aren’t super unlucky. It’s only a piece of champ gear.

From DF through until now in War Within… I’ve seen a total of three loot drops from world bosses across multiple characters. Just three.

It’s not a grind, but loot was insanely rare.

I’m fine with at least getting something that I can either DE or use.