Ok...how are people feeling about the world boss lockout?

If it’s a guaranteed WB item along with the same old crappy droprate then it’s a vast improvement.

But it does seem like there’s really only one chance per week, I’m at 18 kills and haven’t gotten a regular BOP drop.

THAT is unbelievably stupid. Alt eligibility means there are continuous groups forming for it. A month from now it’s gonna be a huge PITA to do the worldboss on Sundays if that’s when someone’s time allows.


It’s one Warbound piece a week. That’s it.

And you won’t. Your loot table even shows you that it’s only Warbound stuff.

You’re clearly trolling if you think someone who does EVERYTHING isn’t dong mainstream content.

One of the main things is pushing all the current things like M+, raid prog, and completing the main story and side quests. I just don’t complain that there is nothing to do because I’ll farm all of that or do older things if I feel like switching things up.

Have a good day buddy, you seem bored.

you’re doing everything except mainstream content. not a troll sorry. you’re farming side trash for a collection, that is not the meat of the game.

That’s the big problem imo, no reason to do it on alts means late week people may suffer

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People do all that AND raid/m+ ya know


yup, but this dude clearly doesn’t

I do. I run all of the m+, delves, raid, and main storyline.

I go for the feats of strength as well. If that’s not doing main content, idk what to tell you.

Only thing I sometimes dabble in and don’t put too much energy is pvp.

Editing to add, I don’t know why anyone not doing the main bit of WoW content would bother with gearing up multiple toons either to push. That would be a waste of time. A lot of us clear things early and then have it on farm early and do a mix of things.

just quit.

I got my current leggings first kill this week so I’m feeling okay but I might be a bit more negative next week or week after or whatever if I get leather, mail or plate armor since I only play cloth wearing Warlocks.


Nah, don’t feel like it. :kissing_heart:

I don’t really mind it. To be honest, I forget that world bosses can even drop loot. I don’t think I ever got any loot from a world boss all of S1. I killed the new world boss on this character (my main) yesterday and got mail boots, so I guess those will go to my Shaman or Hunter.

For how trivial the boss is, it doesn’t bug me one way or the other. It’s not like it’s challenging content that requires a lot of coordination to kill. I view it more or less like a bonus if I happen to get something from it. You certainly shouldn’t be depending on it as a way of gearing up when there are much more consistent and reliable ways to do so i.e. Delves.

Yeah, it’s only champ gear…but that’s part of why I think it’s a little weird to restrict it so much. Those of us doing content are going to outgear it pretty quick and it’s it’s one toon a week I’ve noticed it’s not listed too much for people killing it.

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As for how I feel about it, I like it. I have all armor classes and now I only do the world boss once per week. I do think it should be 2-3 pieces though because now people with 5+ characters who did the world boss each week are getting a worse deal. I know someone who did 13 characters, one of each class. I think the drop rate was 20%, so they went from expecting 2.6 pieces to 1 each week.

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Yeah, I cut back on my alts because of restrictions. I just don’t feel like it’s worth it and I’ll add to my list if I get enough warbound pieces.

Someone earlier said it’s so people grind for longer to get gear. But the world boss was just a quick easy thing to do first before spamming delves, M+ or raiding. Gonna drop off in relevance real quick for a lot of people.


Yeah, even the legacy system in swtor didn’t have this much restrictions. You can even share tacticals with each of your characters, tacticals are things that replaced tier sets.

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An interesting point. Another benefit I didn’t consider before was that people are probably going to do the world boss on their best character, so less ilvl 491 fresh 80s who tag it and die

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hell all gear is bind to legacy there nowadays

imagine wow with bind to warband gear that never soulbinds


Yeah, quick one and done kill for the week lol!

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I don’t like it. I don’t play alts so if the loot isn’t useable to my warlock I basically didn’t get anything.

Personally I think it’s more disappointing to get loot you can’t use rather than nothing at all.

It also gives us less to do. You can’t farm the boss on alts or anything. You kill it once and then you’re bored all week