Okay, so. Was gonna buy Dragonflight:

You stated, “retconning character backstories is now more important than creating good storylines.”

There is no historical basis or future evidence to signal this being the case.


I don’t feel represented in Black Panther they should make atleast half the wakandans white otherwise it isn’t diversive enough. /s


Sadly, this is common in the marketplace for, you guessed it, “more business” which doesn’t work and backfires immediately. Netflix did it with their Black Stories category made up by black creators.


It doesn’t. There isn’t very much positive or negative about this from the players standpoint. From the developers standpoint, I’m assuming it’s much more troubling.

Developer Jim: “Hey, I have this great idea for a young white boy who has a hard upbringing, but he overcomes his issues and becomes a brave Paladin. The story would be great and compelling!”
Boss John: “Yes, that does sound like a good idea, but we have too many white people in the story, how about an islander with mixed ancestry, who grows up to be a Warrior?”
Developer Jim: “Well, I guess we can make some changes, I don’t want to upset anyone, :slightly_frowning_face:
Boss John: “Oh, fantastic. But there’s also the issue of his upbringing, I think it sends the wrong image about this sort of thing, maybe have him be a part of a semi-affluent family that’s moderately well off, but not too well off. Also his family is loving and supportive.”
Developer Jim: “So, just change everything about him?”
Boss John: “her”

Chromie is the only example that I can think of. Though, Pelagos probably wouldn’t have been trans if people didn’t care about that sort of thing. Also, Blizzard probably made Pelagos as boring as he is because they were worried about upsetting everyone. He literally shows no emotions besides being mildly concerned with his own failings, or mildly concerned with the Jailer or the future of the universe.

Boring is safe, but it’s also bad for video games and movies.



I said this:

They can be. In the future. Because of this tool.

My comments are all about what can happen moving forward and what the concerns are now that this tool is being used.

You’re taking them out of context and trying to create some argument that doesn’t exist.

Sadly, its the squeaky wheel…

My ex and her family (Chickasaw) and one of my Friends (Ho-Chunk) were furious that Washington NFL team changed their name. They were fans of that team BECAUSE of their old name (despite living in KC Chiefs territory. Our Cowboys - 'Skins rivalry parties were amazing. Best part? I grew up outside of DC and they grew up in TX but we each rooted for the other team :rofl:

I thought we were past the days when 1 person had the ability to speak for everyone…


Often times the “white saviors” are the most racist people in society.

If they do this, I will be gone permanently. Not for a couple months but I will be gone and never buy a product from them again.


More Ridiculous anti-white hatred this kind of garbage Has to be stopped there is no room for your bigotry and racism on these boards


are you actually suprised? wow

imagine actually caring about the story and characters of WoW right now lol

You said that verbatim…

Also, trying to take what they are currently using the tool to do and their stated goals for it and appending your own assessment (with no historical basis) of what COULD happen isn’t really a great argument.

Lots of things could happen, but the execution of it decides whether it does or not.


Arthas. Was totally retconned to give Sylvannas her “Yas, Queen!” “You don’t even deserve punishment.” diatribe.


I read the blog post. I don’t see how this is going to be a big deal. The characters developed using this tool cannot be worse than the characters in WoW already.

Using software to create diverse characters is strange to me. Usually good characters are created as a reflection of the people you have interacted with. Discovering how or why someone evoked a powerful emotion whether it be happiness, anger, sadness, etc. Creating a character completely detached from these experiences and concerning more with checking superficial diversity boxes will make the characters seem shallow.

Also, the last paragraph seems like this software is going to be sold to companies in other markets like movies, books, etc.

I just want to know who thought this would be a good idea.

Imagine using this tool if you are trying to make a movie about some town located in some place in africa so a percentage of the people have to be not a person of color.

But they aren’t, so… what’s the point of having that as a discussion point.

You say you don’t care to mask that you really do care and that you cared enough to make this post putting down the “tool”. If you actually read the post you linked you would see that it’s just a way for them to create more interesting, and yes diverse (whatever way that may be), characters in their games so that they’re not creating one note wonders. For Blizzard and WoW that would mean more immersive characters beyond just good or bad, Horde or Alliance. How dare they create characters that exist outside your limited world view.

Here’s the real kicker though: If you don’t like the characters or the games that they’re in then don’t play them.


Overwatch to me is a pretty good case where characters of diverse upbringings, backgrounds, and other things actually made the world more interesting.

I’m not of the belief any of it needs to be forced for the sake of something, but I think when it is well executed and genuine it can grab player interest. I see this as a good thing if used properly.

And again…

Maybe stop trying to argue semantics, because you won’t read context.

It’s not an argument. It’s a CONCERN of WHAT COULD HAPPEN.

You seem to have an issue with reading comprehension.

Where was Arthas retconned for diversity?

You wrote, “retconning character backstories is now more important than creating good storylines.”

Perhaps what you meant was, “my fear is that retconning character backstories is now more important than creating good storylines.”

The former implies the decision point has been made, not that it is an assessed risk.

My reading comprehension is fine, thank you.