Okay, hear me out

Sometimes I get really bored of Shadowlands, like, all the time…so I’ll decide to level something from scratch, so I can play through all these old dungeons, because it’s some of my favorite content. The problem is - when I get to 50, it boots me out of Chromie Time and I HAVE to do Shadowlands content and I just don’t like doing it anymore. I’ve done it too much. So I typically end up deleting the character and starting over.

I could turn off my exp at 49, to stay in Chromie Time, but then I can’t get the 50 talent, which is undoubtedly the best one of the talent rows. My only option is to party sync with someone who’s under 50, so I can run dungeons with them. But I don’t have any friends and I can’t imagine just propositioning some stranger to let me do dungeons with them. Even if I could do that, how long would it last before they get bored of that and log?

My suggestion is this, why not just let us take a level 50 or scale a level 60 down to 50 and queue up for old dungeons? It doesn’t have to give exp. Some of us just want to play old dungeons for fun. Why is it, that at 60, I can only do like 8 dungeons out of the hundred or so there are? The work is done, it’s already there. It works perfectly with party sync, so why not just let us do that solo?

While I’m at it, when you level something, you can enter one expansion’s dungeons with Chromie Time, but after 5 minutes of the queue not popping, it puts you into a random queue of every dungeon in the game, under Shadowlands. Why can’t I just do that right from the start?

I don’t get it. :man_shrugging:


Man, I agree with you 100%. I’m tired of the SL nonsense and chores. I thoroughly enjoy playing up to level 50 and then also no longer continue with alts who are forced into Shadowlands content.

Unfortunately blizzard seems to want older content to be irrelevant for anything other than transmog. Which is sad because they’ve got scaling technology which would VASTLY increase the amount of relevant content. But they want you playing Shadowlands. So they can prove to their bosses that the things that they are making now are “good” and that the players like it.


(puts on little tinfoil hat)

My personal theory is the people who monitor the health of the game suck out all sorts of data on who is playing what when. They know how exactly how much time we’re all spending outside SL. The devs, in their mission to sell this as a good expansion to the higher ups, throw little things like this in the way to make sure we spend time in the “right” content.



Of course thats what it is. You are forced into the latest content as quickly as possible so that they can say “look we made a good expansion its where all the players are”.


I know what you guys do outside of the game… and I’m disgusted (and titillated)

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I am 100% certain this is a thing. They transparently implement so many things to shove and beat players into doing current expac content and it’s gotten more noticeable and more coercive in recent years. (Dovetails with player discontent and complaints about current content design, systems and story as well)

Rather than try and change and learn from this they’re doing the principal Skinner thing and declaring they can’t be wrong, it’s the players who are wrong.

This is how we get broken scaling, people unable to solo Legion mythic raids at 60 despite the fact in any previous expac they would have been able to by now, etc.


i cri evertim :sob:

I’ve completely given up soloing ToS anymore and I haven’t even tried Antorus outside of LFR. If their goal was to break me, it worked. I’ve been waiting since the Shadowlands prepatch to solo all the Legion raids on mythic. I’ve had enough. :expressionless:


Usually when someone says “hear me out” they have some questionable idea but this isn’t that. It’s often asked for to be able to queue for old content and if you’ve done Chromie Time you may have noticed what happens at the 15 minute mark when queuing for dungeons, you’ll get this popup

So, the ability to queue for all xpacs content is there in the game already Blizz just needs to open it up for 60s.

Why haven’t/won’t they?


Same, that’s all I wanted in SL :sob:

I guess we know what to look forward to in 10.0 though :laughing: Unless they mess it up again :sob: :sob:

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Lol, I just always start my idea threads with that title. I think this is the 3rd or 4th one. :slight_smile:

They actually reduced it down to doing that after 5 minutes now, which I’m not sure if that makes me happier or angrier.

Maybe they will in 10.0. We can only hope. :grimacing:

Yeah, I dunno. It’s really frustrating, the way they screwed it up. They meticulously and individually went through certain fights and nerfed them in certain ways, when all they really needed to do was bump up the legacy damage 1000 more percent, to make it more inline with how much we do in WoD raids and every fight they nerfed would have been easily soloable.

The only fight that needed any kind of mechanic rework was Eonar, because you couldn’t physically do that fight with one person, which I guess you can now, but from what I hear, if you aren’t a DH or something else with great mobility, you’re boned.

It’s so tiresome. I just want my dang mogs. I’ve started to give up hope and just farm the Nighthold ones. :sob:

If I could share Grumbles’ tin foil hat, I would probably say that they intentionally screwed up the Legion raid changes so that people would be more inclined to try for the Mage Tower recolors. Why bother with that, if you already had the superior coloration? But it seems like more than half the forum thinks they messed that up too, so I have no idea anymore. :man_shrugging:


They’ve done this at least since Cata. This is not a new thing. They designed something new, they want everyone playing that as fast as they can get to it.

This is why they FINALLY squished us down to 60 levels again and made it so you don’t have to do ALL that old content anymore. Getting to 120 was a NIGHTMARE.

You’re right. I understand that its been done for a while now. However, it doesn’t change the fact that they take all of their content and trivialize it and make the game into this small world only made up of the most recent expansion. There is so much more variety that could be available to us as the players. But we don’t come first.


This is a different issue though, and I agree with you here.

This is where level scaling, timewalking, and party sync come into play. And it makes sense to have a cut off where the new expansion starts. The real issue is how fast we gain levels during Chromie time. The biggest complaint I hear is that people out-level their chosen expansion before they are done with the story, and the then game FORCIBLY kicks you out into the new content.

The best solution is to match the leveling progress to the storyline so you hit the low end of the next expansion just as you hit that number (currently it’s 50, but that might change, we don’t know yet.)

Yes. There’s no cohesion to anything you do while levelling. No way to really get any sense of immersion and build that character attachment that we all seem to crave these days.

Another game that I think kind of hit the nail on the head in one sense is Star Wars: The Old Republic. Their “Codex” system (comparable to our Journal) actively tracks your main story and updates itself with quest information and story as you progress. It allows you to open a window at a glance and see exactly where you are or left off rather than wandering around blind trying to find out where you should be. This could be adapted to include information for every zone in the world allowing for an immersive and easily tracked experience.

In regards to the scaling and chromie time - I’m almost ate the point where I feel that everything needs to scale to max level. Make the ENTIRE game playable. Or maybe at least instanced content? Keep the playable content pool big. Variety plays a big role in keeping your experience feeling fresh.

There’s always classic WoW

Because ramrod rushing new players into shadowlands content before they even know how to play their class is surely what the game needs. If only they can push those characters into end game before they get mind controlled by asmongold into leaving for FF they’ll become hypercompetitive hardcores with ksm on day 2!

I think the primary development philosophy is “These people are so addicted they would never quit.” They’re watching people quit left and right, but they have some self-confirming narrative that is telling them they’ll be right back.

They have crafting professions so you can produce gear at multiple ilvls, but if you quest at all you’re going to outpace the gear you can make. I had to stop xp on a leveler so she wouldn’t outlevel her expansion before skinning enough for the next leatherworking round. I got 10 levels opening all the expansions, and now she can’t craft gear with stats on it.

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Probably right. Explains why everything they put out is half-cooked BS.

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I have something like 20 lvl 50 alts and one lvl 60

I just can’t make myself go through the motions of the SL progression.

I’m holding out hope there will be a catch-up 50-60 in the prepatch to the next expansion.

This is what makes ESO so much fun

I really don’t like leveling in shadowlands, not because of the questing or how I have to run everywhere but 1-50 I had zero problems leveling, it was a blast. Soon as I start fighting enemies in shadowlands it feels like the difficulty suddenly spiked and I’m playing with a handicap.

So now any alt I get to 60 I immediately leave shadowlands because I don’t want to spend another second in those zones.

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