Okay, hear me out

I’m in the same boat.

It keeps the game feeling large but accessible. There are clear and defined ways to access each unique expansion when you want to experience them.

I think the lack of ways to invest in your character are really sorely missed. Everything to do with character development now is tied into your daily chores and rep grinds and “legendary” items. Its all external power. And it is going to be thrown away and made irrelevant when the next expansion drops. They should just call them Subtractions rather than Expansions cause they just remove everything prior.

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I feel like they would have done this already, had they figured out a way to not impede the progress of people who farm old content. Maybe Chromie Time needs to just extend to 60, so you can level 1-60 ANYWHERE and when you get to 60, she boots you out and the old zones stay low level.

All I know is, I would rather level anywhere but Shadowlands. I’m pretty sure Blizz knows this too. Shadowlands shouldn’t be mandatory for hitting max level. Let people tell their own story and follow Blizz’s path when they can’t go any further.

I can imagine it must be frustrating to be a Blizz dev though. One minute, you have people complaining that 1-120 is too much and takes too long, then you reduce the cap to 60, introduce this awesome leveling system and now people are complaining they’re leveling too fast. :man_shrugging:

No, it doesn’t.

I’ve advocated in other places to bring back class trainers and actually make them TRAIN you with quests. And to bring back Class Halls and use those together to get people up to snuff before they hit whatever “new” content is out there.

See, now you’ve jumped the gun without knowing what I had in mind. I would always advocate getting players that aren’t in the know about a game a means to learn things they probably SHOULD know before they join in with the latest content.

“Hey adventurer, I see you are new to “X” Class, how about using one of your newfound skills to complete this task for me.” Then the quest giver/trainer would explain what skill to use and you would have to use THAT skill to complete the quest hopefully for people that don’t know that class, it will give them SOME understanding of what skills that class has.

This was because they added XP to something that didn’t originally have it in order to help people get over that TREMENDOUS hurdle of all of those levels. At the time (before they had decided to cut the levels down) it was probably the right thing to do.

I think people would be upset if they reverted it now, but it would make sense to do it if they intend to keep the level cap low like this.