Okay Blizz how about this

You still haven’t deducted The armor pen nerf…
Yes in the original wrath they would have started being good in phase three because the 15% nerf (Yes it’s 15% not 12 like you stated) didn’t come out until the end of ICC.

Wotlk classic launched with the 15% armor pen Nerf.

Deduct the armor pen Nerf and you still have a turd warrior…

I have to give you credit You are determined to prop up your straw man argument…

Yea I settled for Hodir HM staff instead so 1 less person needed dagger.

I did just get Flare tho, guilds 2nd.

Eighty upgrades uses 3.4.3, patch notes literally says 12% increase in armor pen rating requirement per 1%.
You’re just grasping at non-existent straws now.

Here’s a link to the blue post…
125% minus 110% equals a 15% nerf.

mmo-champion dot com/threads/667065-Armor-Penetration-Nerf-in-3-2-2

You no longer care about right from wrong or people being treated equal.

You just care about being right even if you’re wrong at any cost

It’s 1- 110/125 = 0.12, or 12% nerf.

I don’t want to be insulting here but this is basic mathematics.

It wasnt until you said this BOOO COMMUNITY COUNCIL you guys suck

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Yes, that’s literally what the sentence implied.

Okay let’s use your math…

You just defeated your own previous argument by not deducting the 12% nerf to armor pen on your mock-up best and slot into phase 3 gear list. (And didn’t take into fact how many warriors are actually going to be full bis every slot tier 3, not many)

Deducting the 12% nerve will put warriors right back to turd status Even on the decked out full bis warrior…
Imagine the poor warriors that have above average gear they will be below turd status.

Your argument has no legs no matter how hard you try to put them under it…

Buff warriors

And I’ve already said that Eighty upgrades already use the post-nerf values.

Hey, at least you’re becoming aware of how you come across. That’s an improvement!

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It’s 100% deserved in this case though.

“hey guys let’s put a raid together for Ulduar anyone know a couple fury warriors we can invite?”

Said no raid leader ever…

Hey I stream the raid on discord for our warriors

I’m a team player after all

LMFAO :rofl:

(A few moments later)

CMFA0 :sleepy:

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