People want Beyblades in wow now? Is this what this is all about?
Yes. We want beyblade equality. It is unfair that only demo locks and warriors get it.
apparently we have ONE thing? let us have that one thing. you’re probably aff. frickin afflocks.
Good news is, we won’t be in 9.1 very likely.
I would have gone Venthyr too if mine were male orc, but for a female human, those half burned candles really looked awkward. And I do like the Venthyr ability better than the Night Fae one for WQ.
blizz does this. makes aff god tier at raiding and nothing else followed by aff is trash for x amount of time and then god tier at raiding and nothing else rinse, repeat. since yall are still paying the cost for how you terrorized the entire game, during legion.
my wife has a female lock and hers is venthyr. it does look better on female models imo. my choice was specifically cuz mine is a male orc. lol.
Why does it even matter to you? Bet you been rocking the CM transmog for the past 7 years.
Yeah, but aff is also not exactly a standout performer in m+ and this is going to greatly exacerbate that issue on top of demolishing our raid performance.
If character power weren’t a thing, I would be Necrolord on my Warlock.
I really like Maldraxxus, I really like the characters within Maldraxxus (especially Marileth) and I think in general it has the best looking cosmetics (specifically the jellycat).
Pulling the Ripcord isn’t a zero sum outcome. It would put both the people who do and don’t care about character power on the same footing and make Covenants a largely cosmetic/story choice, which is what they should be.
there are 3 different cloth classes. the one she’s posting on is a PRIEST. as a mage i realize to you we all look the same, but we’re not. i promise.
No that is literally the Priest CM from MoP she got. Look her character right here on forums.
yes but we were talking about warlocks. warlock and priest are not the same class. we are masters of fel and shadow and they have a weird tentacle fetish. totally different classes.
Bruh, I know. Stop being annoying.
i’m just reminding you because you made me low key sad that i cannot be a green orc priest.
Believe harder. You can be anything.
if i can be anything menari just officially joined the horde and i will be a male red goat warlock.
There you go. That’s a start. Now use Hellfire Jewel and you can be that for 10 minutes.
I want a different kind of ripcord. People unsub and say the reason why they’re not happy with the game and list all the reasons they list for the ripcord. As long as people keep playing through the design changes they don’t’ like they don’t care how many upset words are said for the most part
it’s because I don’t expect Blizzard/WoW to provided 100% of my entertainment/fun… instead I view/treat WoW no different than any other game…
Play it sometimes, play other games at other times, and do other things with my life inbetween gaming…
Issue with people who say pull the ripcord seem to be they expect Blizzard/WoW to provide 100% of their entertainment/fun, the no lifes who can’t simply pick up another game or do something else away from the PC for a couple hours.