Ok, who still DOESN'T want the ripcord pulled and why?

Restrictions for “meaning”'s sake are getting in the way of actual testing on the PTR too lmao


It’s basically all they know.

Real weird jump. Where do you even get that idea?

Never did I mention real life in god knows how many posts.

It’s a game, games are designed on rules and principles.
It’s hilarious how as soon as they specify it every gets up in arms like there aren’t countless of these choices throughout the game.

How about if you don’t like RPG elements, just don’t play an RPG?
It’s pretty easy really.

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These choices never had any meaning unless you think you can only choose to play good or not is meaningful ?

Power should of never been tied to the Covenant or at least the class abilities shouldn’t of and I’m saying this as an LfR hero.

Yeh!LOUD NOISES! cause the ripcord will save this 8yr shtsho.

Im not going to deny there will be the very few amount of people that will make a decision outside of whatever the meta is for progression.

That does not mean there is no issue with covenants.

Telling the Players, “Your choices are the best abilities, or what have you… Or cosmetics.”

Thats abysmal. Its literally no choice at all.

The biggest frustration is that it never should have been designed this way in the first place. Never.


You do realise you already do that before you van even log into the game for the first time right?

I can simply not pull the ripcord for myself even if blizzard let’s other players swap freely.

Others having freedom takes nothing away from me, just like me using a straight edge razor isn’t diminished by others using a disposable razor.

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If I had to regrind renown 3 times, so does everyone else

… What do you mean exactly…?

Before you log into the game for the first time you are forced to make a decision that affects the abilities you have, the power of your character, and the cosmetics they can use.

If they would of pulled it you wouldn’t of had to regrind renown 3 times unless you are a masochist

Class is a permanent choice like say your forever home . Covenants are a weekend Air BnB rental .
When the weekend or expansion is over both are meaningless except maybe for some memories of the time you were there. But mostly meaningless.


I don’t want the ripcord pulled, but I also don’t care if they do at this point BECAUSE I’ve been able to try out their vision as intended.

I like it, other people don’t. What happens, happens.

They are just different versions of the same choice, I’ve expressed the exact definition of what a “meaningful choice” is in an RPG and the objective nature of how it is described.

This was initially described as being a permanent choice before Blizzard decided to have a softer choice.

Class is not as permanent a choice as you think it is, it is more than possible to level a new character with a different class. That is the cost involved with that choice.
For covenants the cost is a couple of quests over a 2 week period.

For professions it is losing your progress in the dropped profession.

For race it’s the cost of a race change.

Yes of course you could always make a new toon a new class , since you want to split atoms :roll_eyes: but once you create a toon and pick its class that choice is permanent for that toon . Covenants are not a permanent choice for the specific toon . The character will last as long as you play it and the covenants will be gone once 10.0 comes out .

Maybe you are a FotM class player and don’t stick to a certain class so maybe Classes are only a temporary choice and that is why you see Covenants being the same as picking a class.

They were originally intended to be until people started crying.

You are still clearly not understanding what a meaningful choice is in an RPG, or any game really.

You want permanence like character classes? Crafting.
As soon as you turn a crafting material into something else you have made a meaningful choice.
You decided to turn that item into another specific item, removing the options for you to use it for it different choices.

Turning in a quest is a permanent meaningful choice, once turned in you can no longer do that quest, once you have chosen the reward you have no access to the other rewards.

Permanence or lack of permanence is just one variable of the choice, as is the cost.

Permanent choice would be something that carries beyond an expansion . A person’s class will always stay that class as long as that toon is played . Come 10 .0 none of us will be any covenant class this or that .

Yeah I guess all those games I’ve been playing since the mid 70’s just for fun have been meaningless and I should of been playing the Haavi and Ion way . If I would of only had the fore sight to of known that as a child instead of waiting until I was in my 50’s . Thank you sir or ma’am for imparting such knowledge upon me



Like quest completion. So special.


You are too tied up in your emotional constructs. Things the game, a system of logical coding, cares nothing about.

It presents choices, with a cost, and you deal with those options.

The difference between that and covenants is that choosing a class for your character does not have you choose between Cosmetics and necessary power improvements.

Covenants do. This is hardly the same thing and I feel like you know this.

Meaningful choice is fine, if executed properly. They didn’t do it.

Choosing between arguably powers and talents you will likely need if you ever want to hope to step into raiding (if that’s your interest) or cosmetics is a crappy choice.

Covenants do not offer ‘meaningful choice’.

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