Ok, who still DOESN'T want the ripcord pulled and why?

Name a single expansion that didn’t have a meta.

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Funny, I would be happier if they removed them entirely than just pulling the Ripcord, but at least the Ripcord is a step in the right direction.

People do this with or without abilities locked behind Covenants.

Yes, quite true.

I very much agree with this. The abilities should have been a new talent row and choosing your Covenant could have changed their spell effects. The secondary abilities could have stayed with the Covenants: Soulshape, Door of Shadows, etc.


The question should be, who doesn’t knew they already said there isn’t a ripcord for them to pull?

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Everyone that keeps making these threads.


Yes, I remember the old thread from September concerning this. It was a disappointment to many.

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Except thats BS. They have said a lot of things are impossible, but with enough time and effort it could be made possible.

What hes saying isnt that its not possible its that they don’t want to put the time and effort into doing it.

If they did put the time and effort into it, we would end up with Warlords of Draenor again.

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I actually liked WOD more than I do Shadowlands…

But Im one of the weirdos that thought the Garrison was cool and wish they would do REAL player housing.

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I enjoyed it, as well. But we lost out on quite a lot of content.

Which proves that unlocking them from covenants does nothing but promote the construed negative gameplay. (You are implying people choosing based solely on power is bad)

Which would actually be worse than the current design. The signature abilities are actually so much more polarising than the class abilities.

Why for example would anyone in their right mind be Bastion and take a weak heal and cleanse over something as powerful as Soulshape?

Even Necrolord, 40% health shield plus stat bonuses depending on dead mobs. Against a single use per combat heal for 20%…
It’s just not even comparable.


They already stated the current system is to integral to the design that they can’t remove it. Which is why there is on ripcord to pull. Sure they could spend a couple months rewriting the entire system, if we don’t mind there being no more new content for the next year.


Yes the damn rip cord needs to be pulled


For sure, WOD could have been a great expansion but they flopped it on purpose, because hey, small indie company right?

No it is male and he made about half of the threads asking representation

This is true but all through beta Ion was going we don’t want a meta or just one meta for each class. Freeing up the abilities may have still resulted in a meta ability but you could of had any covenant look you wanted. A lot of us wanted the abilities separated because we liked the possibility of multiple metas for classes .


I… just don’t care.

I have one character at level 60. iLvL maybe ~160.

At this point I don’t care one way or the other what Blizzard does.

A year from now they’ll have figured things out and I’ll deal with whatever is in place at that time. Until then I have other stuff to do.

Sure, I’m just saying it COULD be done. They just don’t want to do it.

Oh fair, I just ignore all those posts after making sure they have been flagged lmao.

No, they know it would take too much effort and result in this expansion being tossed in the trash like WoD due to a lack of content while they redesign a core system.

perhaps it would be for the best…