Ok, what the heck? Removed from group and deserter debuff?

I was just doing a heroic scenario on a Remix alt, the one where you swing between boats. Everything seemed to be fine. We were fighting the boarders at the start of the place and maybe two minutes in I get a loading screen and wind up back at the Shrine. Chat log says “You have been removed from the group” and I have a half hour deserter debuff.

What the heck happened? I didn’t leave. Was I voted out? Don’t think I’ve ever been voted out of a group before. Does being voted out give a deserter debuff? If so that’s all kinds of messed up and prime for abuse. Could it have been some sort of bug?

Anyway, I can’t play for a half hour due to no fault of my own and it sucks.

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Pugs be dum


You got voted out, the tribe has spoken

You’ve been around on these forums way too long to not know that being kicked invokes a deserter. There’s threads about it every day.
But if bait threads is how you get your kicks then you do you.


Well i hope you learned your lesson :wink:

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Yes, and it’s been that way for years lol


Yes. Being voted out gives deserter debuff because of players that exploited the kick feature to avoid a dungeon they didn’t want to play and avoid the deserter debuff. It’s wrong, but it will never be changed. Players kick for stupid reasons these days. Find friends in the game if you don’t want to be kicked again. If you want to play and can’t stand waiting for the debuff to drop, make an alternate character and play that toon until the time is up. There’s no way around the debuff now.

Well at least the timer is up now and you can continue on with your day. :slight_smile:


Dang. That sucks. I can’t imagine voting someone out of a scenario in Remix. I don’t even need you to be there really, I just need you for the queue bonus…so AFK, help, or go kill random stuff because it really doesn’t matter, I’m going to solo the thing.

Most likely the other two dumbs you did the group with didn’t realize that you can just queue two people up at the Lorewalkers if they only want to do a scenario with two people.

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Jeff Probst has a story about that line. I saw an interview where he said he wished he had invented it but he didn’t.

What happened was that when “Survivor” was being developed he heard about how the voting off of players would go. This was all new back then. So he went and talked to Creator/producer Mark Burnett who tried to explain that it was what would make the show work. When Probst tried to argue about it Burnett said to him, “that’s it, the tribe has spoken”.

And the rest is Survivor history.

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I have been kicked out of battles grounds before it was started . I didn’t think that was possible. Very rare to see anyone gets kicked out of battle grounds . The players probably knew who i was , so they didn’t want me on their team .
No , i wasn’t a pvp troll . Nor was i bad at BGs . For some reason i just out kicked out .

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My recent experience with the deserter debuff was,
I queued for an LFR wing, queue popped, clicked on it immediately, but couldn’t zone in because the group already pulled.
So I gave up and decided to re-queue, so I left the group and got the deserter debuff.

Who ever designed this damn debuff, should find another job.


You were kicked because voting system takes 1 person to kick, two to vote.

You obviously did something wrong to make the other two people upset

You’re not a victim

Believe what you want but I honestly didn’t know being kicked gave a deserter debuff. I thought the debuff was only if you, you know, deserted. I don’t do group content much and when I do I don’t go AFK or spam or even talk more than a hello. I don’t pull before the tank or suck enormously, I don’t have an obnoxious or insulting name (alt is a paladin named Glory). So I just don’t get kicked.

Since I was doing just as much work and my fair share of damage I have to assume it was either some dingdong power leveling himself with an alt account and didn’t want anyone else in the group (for some reason?). Or they kicked me because my character isn’t 70 yet (currently 67). Or, just occurred to me, could even be due to the alt being a black human woman (and I know some people are going to go nuts over me even mentioning that, but I had to have been kicked for some reason and sadly that is a possibility).

Anyway, being kicked shouldn’t give the same debuff as abandoning a group. That’s just dumb.

Anyway, back to it.

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Are you sure?

Since 2019 you knew what the deserter buff does


All three are times I left the group myself. Try again?

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Zumakind out for blood :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Do you not read what you post??

I re-captured a mine and then stood in a corner while I, you know, took care of stuff. Came back and deserter debuff.

How do you leave a group when you went afk in a corner???