Ok we tried it. AoE cap feels horrible

Hey look I don’t mind the AoE cap and I love that idea

I agree remove the fluff

Maybe now it would be faster to pull only 5 mobs at a time.

Everyone would be hitting all 5 mobs simultaneously and they would die faster, and then you pull more.

I might be wrong as well, I know.

Edit: grammar

It’s called chain pulling and it’s something that was already being done in high keys.

They literally won’t.

People claim to quit over all sorts of stuff here on the forum but we see them posting about their new issue the next week.


Its literally nothing more than slowing us down, because 10 seconds here, and there, adds up to minutes. Multiply that by days and weeks, and by the end of SL youll have paid 2 or 3 extra months for the same amount of content.


That would be a very bad financial decision . :face_with_monocle:

W/e it takes for me to not read these stupid “actually use CC and carefully plan back in old days” from players who don’t even have AOTC let alone CE or timed high keys

Ppl srsly believe classic wow or tbc was hard compared to wow today lmao.

Wow has never been has hard as it has been during legion and bfa


Literally noone will quit wow over this* fixed.

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Why would those players have timed high keys? M+ is basically the opposite of what they want

First of all I never claimed to be one of the gogogo players. I do 16-18s in m+ and i just care about timing and not epeening for a 3 chest. So check yourself. But forcing other CE players to the playstyle of a slower pace because of an aoe cap is not a solution and was better left alone. And once again a slower pace is not a challenge its only a slower pace thats it

And second if you find mass pulling unfun thats fine i dont care. What I care about is players having a choice to either pull small or mass pull. Now there isnt that option. This impacts more than just m+, legacy raids, fast questing, etc. That fact that choice has been taken from us is ridiculous.

If they want to revert back to the Classic or the early Cata model of dungeons where CC matters and people take their time again, it’s a complete shame.

There’s next to no skill in that. Any idiot with half a brain connected to half a computer could hit a CC button.

When people regurgitate this idea that smaller pulls are going to be more challenging and enjoyable, think back to the seasonal affixes.

Season 1 and 3 forced slower pulling, setting up CC’s before engaging the packs, and then fighting the surrounding mobs while the difficult or challenge mobs remain CC’d.

Look at this poll,

It’s. Not. Fun. Of the people polled, a whopping 6% of voters found seasons 1 and 3 to be their favorite. 64% chose between season 2 and 4 because those two seasons didn’t arbitrarily slow you down. They let you maximize your route and continue to learn how to improve and pull more mobs at a time. Hard capping AoE hard caps how much you can improve.

This is another one of those things that sounds good to people who think we should be /RPing with the trash packs before we pull them, but the practicality of it all is that it just sucks.

No point in making this thread, devs on read their private forums and then they just bash and ridicule the players that post there.

WoW devs inflated ego and attempt to micro manage players to play the game in blizzards “vision” will be the downfall of this game


They just don’t want us to pull big anymore.

For… some reason. I don’t think the aoe cap really stops us from doing so though. So who knows what they’re thinking. :man_shrugging:

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Their philosophy is a simple one.

They don’t want you to pull everything and then aoe it all down.

The AoE cap is not something I like at all, and I hope they reconsider over time. But their current way of going about fixing it is very clunky.

I’d much rather have diminishing returns rather than a hard cap.

These people mistake knowledge with skill. Back in classic, it was rarer knowledge that rogues could use distract to split up packs in UBRS to reduce the incoming number of mobs per pull. That was viewed as skillful back then. But the online information flow in Classic was complete garbage, at that time so not everyone had access to information.

In today’s world of information flow, I can’t imagine why anybody would want to go back to the “actually use CC and carefully plan” model of dungeons. Like I said before…they’re probably hasbeens yearning for a chance to become relevant again because their dried up reflexes prevent them from achieving anything meaningful in today’s WoW.

I understand why they added AoE cap, mainly those Mythic+ faults for pulling big and burn.

After trying it for a bit, it’s not so bad, it’ll help against the “go go go” mentality in long run.

I like it.

You try to explain this to people and it just doesn’t register.

In TBC we knew to CC the casters, no one had to tell us to do it.

Caster? Sap, move mobs out of the way, burn down a good amount of them, break CC and kill caster, rinse and repeat.

It added nothing to the game and only served to slow down the momentum for zero reason.

I tanked Necrotic Wake today (beta dungeon) and there was a mob pull with 7 mobs in it, my tank AoE can only hit 5.

Am I suddenly an elite player because I had to frantically tab-target/click the 2 mobs my Swipe refused to touch? No.


Seems to me they want people to slow down…its not complicated. They want to design the game around people pulling and managing a pack of mobs vs running through and pulling the entire dungeon once you get some gear.

The issue with varying caps and balancing this properly is going to be an ongoing problem for sure… as is balancing the entire expansion.

Alot of people will threaten to quit and whatever…some may even follow through…some will come back, a few wont. New players will come along…and yes some day the game will close… not today and not for at least a few years.

Adapt to the change…or don’t.

From the sounds of your gripe, they only need remove M+ and keys. Then the cap don’t matter. Going by your logic of why it does.