Ok we tried it. AoE cap feels horrible

“We are just trying these gcd changes and want your feedback…”

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Oh no! I can’t smash my face on the keyboard and top damage!

I have to think about pulling half the dungeon at once now!! Oh no!

Seriously, you’ll live. It was probably done to give multi dotters a niche because without aoe cap, melee are essentially multi dotters that require no maintenance, or setup time


Hahaha the dance has started again. The question is who will have the louder voice this time. How do people think this was implemented? There were countless threads over the years with a different variety of factors surrounding it regarding mindless AOE.

There were those who wanted caps for reasons like more thoughtful dungeon pulling, behavior in keys and so forth. Others were vehemently opposed to it because mass pulling is fun if for no other reason.

I think Blizzard saw it as a dictation of behavior in play that was more negative than positive and that was why they changed it.

I don’t mind the caps, it gets a little frustrating sometimes, but makes me actually spend half a second planning my pulls before charging in. which is something i haven’t had to do since… cata I think?

pulling half the dungeon/island/whatever and aoeing it down feels great the first couple dozen times. but its braindead and requires zero strategy or planning.
while the aoe cap isn’t an elegant solution to the problem, it does the job, and its less annoying than other methods they have tried to prevent mass pulling (like when they gave absolutely EVERYTHING cc abilities and large packs would just result in getting stunlocked to death, that felt objectively worse)

LFR Heroes complaining they havent had to plan there pulls…

Yep remove LFR, remove normal raids, Remove normal dungeons, lock heroic dungeons to non max level only.

Add all 4 affixes to m+ starting with +2 and increase the scalling so a 10 feels like a 20 ( in context of season 4 bfa )

Reading “the game is ez cuz aoe hurr durr” from players who at a glance of their armory dont even play the game is triggering.

oh i forgot, everyone on the forums is a hall of fame raider multi rank 1 gladiator just posting on a alt that is on their mothers b net acc so therefore it doesnt show any of the achievments their main has.


Good, I hope you do quit and take your other tryhard brethren with you.

AOE caps are fine. Too bad so sad you can’t just epeen meters and do “lawl big deeps”. Go play Diablo if you want to be a wrecking ball smashing armies of enemies.

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been playing this game for 14+ years. good players dont care about dps epeens. We know it doesnt mean anything. we know before starting the dungeon what kind of numbers to expect from what specs.

What we do care about is fun. M+ was fun because AOEing is fun and planning pulls based around mobs abilities and risk / reward factor of pull size is fun.

artifical target caps are not fun.

s1 and s3 of BFA had less people doing m+ than s2 and s4 of bfa. Guess what the difference was in those seasons.


From the looks of things, people are either:

  1. Not affected so they think it’s fine
  2. Don’t really care either way
  3. Affected and really upset.

For me, I have found it to be very annoying and just causes problems that shouldn’t really be there.

Before the prepatch, I used to do Islands constantly. I really enjoyed doing islands but mostly just wanted to collect some mounts, mogs and pets. Now that the AOE cap was introduced; I’ve found islands to be approximately twice as long, and SUPER BORING. Those packs I used to pull and destroy was a great feeling, and now I’m only hitting a quarter of the mobs at a time… Unfortunately, it’s safe to say I won’t be doing anymore island expeditions.

Another thing though regarding the M+ area. While there’s many classes with aoe caps, there’s also classes without them. I think that we’ll find classes having AOE caps will be looked down upon when looking for higher end keys or even just m0 content. Why bring someone who can only hit 4 mobs at once compared to this destro lock who can nail all 12 at once.

This is a large reason why they did this. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you here but just pointing it out

That is 100% your opinion.

You enjoy AOE. You don’t speak for everyone and even more your opinion is irrelevant in the face of what Blizzard deems best for the game. Just as you and your types don’t matter in the grand scheme of things when it comes to covenants and conduits and anything else.

You say people will quit…good imo. Blizzard has stretched themselves far too thin over the years trying to cater to everyone possible and the quality of the product has suffered immensely. Tryhards consume content at a truly gluttenous pace and are, by a very conservative estimate, at least 90% of the people complaining about stuff in this game. Actual real casuals are happy to just go with the flow and enjoy the game on its own merits without the need to cry and whine and complain every freaking time Blizzard does something

So quit. Good riddance. Go find a game more suited to your leet skillz you obviously think you have over everyone else.

I mean AoE pulls don’t make people “tryhards” that’s you wanting to make things take longer and be harder if anything.

The real tryhards also don’t care about covenants or conduits because they’ll be the ones with 4 of each class leveled to cap.

I feel like you’re just clueless about how this game works and who are the people playing it and you just want to be at toxic troll anytime someone has to complain about a feature that was made less fun for them.

Aslo tryhards don’t care if they have to wipe to a boss 300+ times to kill it. They won’t care if they have to do pulls one mob at a time and take 5hrs to get through a hallway you could have ran through with aoe pulls in 10 minutes. You’re defending a change that actually helps casuals make the game more fun and take less time to do. Just stop posting.

he is just mad cuz he bad and is happy for any change that the people who actually play this game will be upset about.


If blizzard doesn’t want groups to AOE down multiple packs of trash mobs… design content that doesn’t require us to AOE down multiple packs of trash mobs. It’s an artificial way to slow down their tired year after year version of the exact same mechanics.

They should have made fights meaningful years ago instead of just throwing 20 mobs at us.

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Or I’ll post my opinion and let my voice be heard for however much or not it is worth to the only actual entity that matters in this context.

The real tryhards actually care a huge amount because they don’t want to have 4 of a class and do all the work to gear them all as much as they can just because they can’t handle the thought of not being 100% optimized 100% of the time.

I’ll defend any change that I think will make this game better of an experience for the largest amount of people as a whole. I feel this change that, while annoying, is much in line with this.

If the cost is people who like to think themselves as better than everyone else and act like a giant tool in the process end up quitting the game for good and going somewhere else…then that is a great bonus.

He says people will quit…time for him to lead that charge and prove himself right imo.

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Though I dont think anyone would be surprised that a DH made this thread xD

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Don’t worry, it’ll be reverted at the end of SL. I find the change similar to the GCD change (which also got reverted). It seems the purpose is to slow everyone down and supposedly be good for the game.

This guy gets it.


Tried it hate it get rid of it devs you can’t be serious with some of these strange changes of which we have many.

No the tryhards really do not care about having 4 of each class. Gearing them up is easy everyone just gets loaded up with BoE’s and carried through M+. They also just buy level caps with all the gold they make selling carry raids. Your defending a trash version of the game. The content is stale. Having endless oceans of trash is going to encourage people to AoE pull things to get it over with faster because it’s boring to peck away at trash one by one.

If you actually wanted the game to be better you’d’ want less trash with more meaningful mechanics that would make pulling more deadly. Rather than just keeping the same heavy trash hallways with harmless monsters and just make them slower to kill.


Been on SL beta, I can still do big pulls, They just aren’t as Big as they used to be (Due to gear), There is still plenty of tank Chungus to go around.