We’re never going to see that Forsaken Warship again, Benedikt. Such an amazing design, but sadly it’s impossible to use the model in current content, because it makes the Cataclysm Orc ships look like floating flip-flops. Similarly, the Horde can build Aircraft Carriers and Trains, but… doesn’t, because reasons.
Honestly think they’re setting up to villain bat Turalyon and so they had to swap places with Alleria and Trollbane. No way they’re going to lay a finger on Alleria compared to old legacy Turalyon. The fact that he had a red shirt on because he’s Alleria’s anchor is telling. Ugh Windrunners always make the entire story revolve and bend around them.
I’m guessing they’re trying to either temper expectations regarding Zandalari involvement or downplay it purposely for surprise reasons.
People were saying Talanji’s model was just placeholder in the war within reveal screenshots since her model was never datamined, but we have the General of the Empire on the Isle of Dorn so we’ll see whether that was true, false, or cut content.
Honestly I would of mixed the ships for each side. Kul Tirans ships, next to Kaldorei Ships, Next to Zandalari and Forsaken Ships. If you wanna get cute with it, make a classic stormwind and orc-horde ship the flagships of the two dorn fleets.
And the short king/queen submarines.
In general the Horde and Alliance’s arrival felt pretty half hearted.
There’s a pretty unimpressive beachead and very mild training regiment going on. Idk seeing as Dalaran just got destroyed I figured you’d see the factions rolling out with considerably more force.
I did like Geya’rah and Turaylon’s quest though as it was basically;
They dont exactly have to. If anything we are closer then ever to the factions just being one with cross faction. Hell, with cross faction grouping I dont think Blizzard will ever be truly interested in any deep faction war stuff if for no other reason than that would likely be pretty toxic for cross faction guilds.
That would be more due to the fact they dont want to lag the entire Server. I mean thing of say Battle for the Broken Shore/Lordeaeron. For the most part the number of NPCs present in both scenario is probably about the same to what we saw on the beach head.
The faction conflict doesn’t matter. At least not for now.
And quite frankly? Good riddance.
Wild how when everytime someone is like “hey does the horde do anything” there is always some pissant who says “no the faction conflict is gone” as if thats the only way the horde can be relevant
Problem is Giru, they’re just going off of history.
Instead of getting angry at people like Zerde for having opinions, do what I do:
Practice Black Magic in secret and attempt to Hex Blizzard employees with terrible bad luck. So far I’ve managed to cause a few of them to spill their coffees on their laps, and one had to pay a substantial repair bill for his car that ate into his savings and really set him back.
I justify this every time I make a ticket and get an AI response. By the way, if you Roleplay at the AI, it gets entertaining really quickly.
Not that I’m aware of
Yes. Mostly this one. It’s only an issue if you’ve paid attention to the story before now and see why it would be a bit odd for my Zandalari Troll Paladin to be helping Jaina with her problems.
Thank GOD. We’re also going to be hearing about how the devs have ‘forgotten about Nelves’ any second now.
Doing God’s work there man… Gods work.
honestly im surprised they didnt add some sort of reprimand to him coming from like dwarf leader or aleria. everyone seems to shrug it off or laugh at his comment. like a dumb innocent child just said something inappropriate.
guy could literally start a skirmish with his dumb mouth and thats probably what he wants.
turalion is literally a religious cult leader and a zealot and now that hes got nothing to fight aka demons hes probably looking to stick his sword on anything any shade of green.
If Dagran is going to snipe at anyone, its probably gonna be his mom if she ever lapses back into her “eww, the untermenschen are breeding again” self from MoP
Might have something to do with the fact that all of Metzen’s favorite pets being either Alliance or peacebois. So they get all the screen time unless there’s an external factor forcing them to give the Horde its own story.
TWW kind of underlines this.
That seems like the only reason Horde want to be relevant from much of the complaining I’ve seen. It’s always from the perspective of “Why am I friends with Alliance?” when Blizzard has been moving away from stories that require you to be one faction to experience it.
For example:
Comments such as this imply that the only people who could possibly ever interact with the Alliance are ‘peacebois’ and are therefor less Horde.
People complaining about this show a lot of consternation about not being seen as the warlike faction and then seem to make comments constantly that contradict it.
I am at this point 100% certain we will see plenty of griping about Alliance helping Silvermoon (again) in Midnight. Posts like why is Alliance here, why is Lor’themar friendly with them, etc etc. After all the Alliance killed ten quintillion Blood elves in the purge of Dalaran, how could they ever get over that?
This is disingenuous as hell lmao
Having an issue with Allaince warhawks/warcriminals being rehabilitated is nowhere near that.
Note how there are very few complaints about Dagran.
I’d say that’s more an issue with reading comprehension. Sure, there’s some people who just want to fight, but I’d say the bigger desire is how things used to be in some non-faction conflict expansions where each faction got their own version of things. And sure, lots of times it was mirrored quests, but they’d have different quest texts to flesh out things and it acknowledges both factions. Plus, there was usually always something unique for each faction, a bit of story that goes to deepen the lore of the group you’re playing on.
And I mean, really, would it have been so hard to have put an intermediary quest between setting up the horde embassy in dornagal where you turned that back into thrall instead of the head scratching moment where you tell Moira that it’s done and she jokes about having a horde character arrange her quarters back home?
I manifested Danuser retiring to the Great Lakes.
No joke.
I’m on record both on the forums and on SF Discord saying he should specifically do it for years and years before it happened.
Sounds like you don’t actually want to understand the complaints