Ok this is weird

I’m leaving it. People will think I’m talking about the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.

Or that’s what Google told me anyways.

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While you’re tampering with history, can you take care of that German guy who was causing problems in the 1930s and 40s?



I answer “yes” to the baby question.

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Zandalari is worse.

“King Rastakhan would NEVAH trust an OUTSIDAH like yoo!”

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I still don’t know if that is up to the level of Grizzly Hills on a Worgen, where after you rescue people from Worgen Trappers, they in a very worried voice ask you “were you bitten?!?” (Yes, been there, done that), and then the Alliance commander on turnin is commenting about “filthy bloody worgen” as you are standing right in front of them (Really sir, do tell me how you really feel now)

Oh, it’s you Necromancer, I should have guessed.

3 years, new record or the oldest you could find?

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Maybe Blizzard should make the posts automatically close after a certain length of time without responses. That way people can’t necro them accidentally. After all, when you start a post, it tells you to reply to other posts rather than start a new one, so maybe it’s encouraging necroing if the post you choose happens to be an older one.

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just pretend your a Kul’tiran that worked with Lady Jaina for a long time and other Kul’tirans hate you because you have been helping the daughter of the Sea.

What’s weird is that Jaina is a Kul Tiran and not genetically forced to be fat.

She got away from that Kul Tiran cooking, since she left to train with the mages of Dalaran at the age of 11 (https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Jaina_Proudmoore)