Ok this is weird

It’s weird doing the opening quest with Jaina on my KT. “Hey you, Kul Tirian. Go with Jaina to recruit the huh… Kul Tirian.”


You just have to RP and have your character be a KT world traveler or something, I don’t know.


At least I didn’t have Taelia or whatever her name is show me around the city. I did have the option to say “take me home.”

Hi Mr.moo.

Hello short woman?

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Easy there beefcake.

For science purposes and reasons of course but is there a…

BlackStone Regular ?

Not anymore :smiling_imp:

They changed some of the wording. If you do the Scenario and then head towards Jaina’s ship, it says, “Let’s go home” or “Take me home”. I don’t recall but they changed some of it.

That’s a lot to change and remember what and where something is in wording. Would’ve been a nice QoL change but it’s not that big of a deal.

They should have given Kul Tirian the Zandalari the Nightbourne treatment. Exalted with the faction and their zone storyline complete.

How would they level up?

That’s true. I forgot Suramar was a level 110 zone.

Well, we have the other two zones plus the entire war campaign.

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Ur weird.

Jk ily

This thread was 3 years old buddy.


You must be very bored right now.

A little bit.

Why do ppl act like it’s awful if someone posts on an older thread tho?!



I see how it is.


Either way… the original post did make me laugh.

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