OK That does it! Layering needs to go!

Its been long enough now. every one is out of the starting zones. It is been exploited to hell and back with new exploits popping up every few days despite patches! ITS TIME TO AXE THIS CRAP! nobody wanted it in the first freaking place!


This forum always feels so lonely and empty without a new layering outrage, glad its come 'round again.


Layering is a cancer on Classic

It needs to go now. We’re sorry you underestimated Classic and continue to do so. Release enough servers for the Classic community, and turn off layering!




What is the new exploit? I figured these crazy dynamic respawns were easy enough to keep farming…


You can layer swap for specific bosses in instances and farm prebis.


You realise how crowded severs are right now? If layering was to instantly vanish those 20k queues are going to be very tame. Multiply your average queue time by the amount of layers you think exist on your sever and you will have a good estimate of how long its going to take just to log in.


I’ll admit they implemented the system poorly but there’d be 10x more complaints if they turn off layering. Have you been questing at all in STV? Could you imagine that place with 2-8x as many people in it?

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removing layering won’t impact queues, it will impact zone density. places like crossroads or stv will be highly overcrowded. they’re crowded now even split among several layers.


Why is there layering in instances?

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Oh. That’s all? You guys sure this isn’t a long forgotten Vanilla feature? Like layering. Lol

I agree on this one. Layering was great in the starting zones, but now that the servers are so packed, it will be an issue when they finally do remove it. But, they need to. The higher level people are taking advantage of the exploits.

blizzard hires starry eyed young inexperienced developers and underpays them

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All these anti-layering posts is the only thing that has GTG. Do you not know the actual population of each realm? If layering is removed, you will need to stand in line to farm a pack of mobs to complete a quest. I guarantee you if layering is moved, people would be back on the forums complaining that it needs to be put back into place. Let it be exploitable. It’s significantly better than having roughly a thousand people in a single zone. Yes, one thousand.


Please stop spreading misinformation. Layering has 0 to do with queue time. The queue time is strictly the server cap and layering doesn’t increase that.

The only thing layering does is split the population into different layers so thousands of people aren’t competing for the same mobs/nodes. It make it so you only compete with hundreds instead.

Layering decreases queue time…

No it doesn’t. Try again

No it doesn’t. Layering has absolutely 0 effect on queue time. The server cap is the only thing that changes queue times.

Well no it’s not, if they changed servers to single layer we would have massive queue times. Because they would also have to change the max player logged in at one time.

No they wouldn’t. Layering only makes it easier for players to farm/kill as you have less people to compete against in the same layer. They can get rid of layering and keep the server cap no problem.

Again, layering has 0 to do with queue times.