Ok sod is not Classic and its a Season so Why are you afraid of blizzard putting in new and Modern features?

No. Don’t be intellectually dishonest when I stated this outright:

I did, and my response above was because of this below:

Because I’m not afraid of the idea. Rather, you come off as either intellectually dishonest by trying to divert any argument that doesn’t agree 100% with your exact language, or you come off as making an assumption of everyone who doesn’t share the same opinion with you under the banner of being “afraid” of something, rather than not giving a damn, or just disliking it. Either way, you appear to be trying to control and spin a narrative, and it’s not worth addressing your original statement wholesale when it’s this obvious.

Read my very first sentence on this post from three weeks ago:

On top of that:

This is either intellectually dishonest or ignorant to how the game is developed, and looking at your armory and the Feats of Strength achievements you have going all the way back to the day Wrath’s pre-patch dropped in 2008, I HIGHLY doubt you’re ignorant to this stuff, but I’ll humor you for a fraction of a second:

Nothing you mentioned has to be “tried out” because it has been tried out - and implemented fully - in WoW over the course of the past 14+ years. There’s no need to “try it out” when there is over a decade of anecdotal and empirical evidence showing Blizzard what the actual results of this is. Additionally, Blizzard’s analysts aren’t completely incompetent at their job and would have said “pull the ripcord” if the player base reviled Classic so much that it would be more beneficial to the company to “bring it up to date” than leave it be.

Anything you mentioned has up to 14+ years - up to 15 years if you count WotLK closed beta that started back in Feb 2008 when some of this stuff started being implemented - of “trying it out.” The only people who would be completely ignorant to this would likely be people who haven’t played anything but Classic, as in 2019 Classic to today.

This has been the case for most everything since 2004 in the live game. This has pretty much never been the case for anything in Classic, TBC Classic, Wrath Classic. Your suggestions aren’t “pushing the line”; that would be something like, idk, implementing a class/spec that’s not part of the tank/healer/DPS trinity, a straight up support class.

Wait, isn’t this how Augmentation Evoker is described? I haven’t played, nor do I keep up with, Dragonflight, but this is what I’ve heard.

In all honesty, I don’t really have any ideas that are things that fall under BOTH of these categories:

  • Blizzard has not only NEVER tried it, or something similar to it, but hasn’t even talked about some type of mechanic or feature, and
  • It is something that doesn’t sound like an absolutely horrible idea.

If you have any ideas that fulfill BOTH of these criteria, feel free to mention.

See for yourself.
You’re trying to split hairs and just coming off looking foolish at best, dishonest at worst, by doing so. You launch “World of Warcraft Classic” to play Era, SoD, HC. You launch “Wrath of the Lich King Classic” to play Wrath Classic. You launch “Dragonflight” to play Dragonflight. You don’t launch anything to play TBC Classic because it’s not available through Blizzard anymore.