Moved my main over to MG a few days ago, and it feels like I’ve stepped back in time.
Community/social wise, it feels like I am playing WoW in its golden era. I mean, people walk places, they actually talk to each other (in white /s text! like actual convos! what is this, 2006??) and generally it feels like I am actually playing a fantasy MMORPG again.
Its awesome.
That’s all really, lol.
Can’t argue with you. It’s a lovely server. Just as welcoming as chatty as WrA was back in the day.
Moonguard is a great server! Moved my characters from WRA late legion. I love it here!
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i have my opinions about mg but ill keep them to myself.
Glad you found your way here!
I’ve been here since late Wrath, moved from Silver Hand. Dloin and Moon Guard are synonymous with WoW for me. This server, in all of the eras I’ve been active, has been my WoW home and there’s never been any doubt about it. Almost every time I log off I want to make a forum post just saying “Hey, MG, y’all are the best. Thanks for always being there when I decide to come back.”
I’ve played this game since Vanilla and unsubbed partway through Shadowlands and have been playing F2P since on Moon Guard. I played on a PvE server while subbed and honestly have been having more fun playing WoW F2P on Moon Guard than I did subbed. It really is a totally different game when you play it on an RP server.
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How is the Horde side on MG doing these days?
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We have less of a focus on walk up RP, but active and growing! We emphasize more on event-based rp in the world and long term story building. Right some of the larger guilds (War Wolves, Undercity Nexus, Stormtalon Tribe) have just launched into a campaign in the Swamp of Sorrows!
Link to the forum post!
A positive post? In our forum section!?
I absolutely love it.

This time of year? This time of day? Localized entirely within our forums?
… May I see it?
(Seymour! The Cathedral is on fire!)
Whether you engage in RP or not, walking around a crowded Stormwind is amazing. <3
So long as the snakes don’t get ya you’ll be safe.
About as good as Alliance side on WrA. No. Wait. Alliance - WrA is doing better than Horde - MG. But, either way there is a place in Azeroth for a dwarf who doesn’t drink alcohol and has a mild caffeine addiction, that is the direct result of discovering his love for hot coffee (which can be used as a weapon). Oh! And the Horde, on either realm still doesn’t know how to use chairs!

It’s rough. The few here will try to convince you otherwise but it is in rough shape.
I enjoy Moonguard. The community is pretty good. Though I would say it annoys me that when people ask in trade chat how things are on the horde everyone tells them to goto Wra. We can’t grow the horde again on Moonguard if we keep sending people to other places.
No, mother, that’s just Residuum again.