The Horde Vanguard Presents
Pirates terrorize coasts of the Great Sea; tattered flags depicting barnacle-covered wolves laid over anchors embrace the choppy ocean winds from atop each deadly mast. On land, whispers travel between the less fortunate. Tales are spun of a former Horde Admiral, Raz Seawolf, and his warpath of madness. The merciless crew has only grown since his disappearance during the Fourth War, composed of pirates and vessels which act independent of allegiance or ideals. Tactical minds have placed the next prevailing bout of terror at the Swamp of Sorrows, though the ultimate goal of Raz Seawolf and crew is largely unknown. The Vanguard now marches directly into the path of his vessel, the Hatred’s Wake, to rid Azeroth’s seas of the pirate menace and cleanse the stain on the Horde’s honor in one fell swoop.
WHEN: May 15th-20th
WHERE: Stonard. Swamp of Sorrows
TIME: Briefings Start at 7:30 MG SERVER TIME - Events at 8:00 MG SERVER TIME
WHAT TO EXPECT: A D20 Narrative Campaign. Horde and Horde Neutral Players from Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord and other US Servers are Welcome!