Ok outlaw is trash in pvp

Its not even in the same realm as subt.

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Yo we could have told you that yesterday.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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What made you come to that conclusion?


For how much APM this spec requires, there is so little reward or damage. Sounds like pros think it is good though or at least better than sub atm. But for solo shuffle plebs like me, it is not a good spec still. Had high hopes with the changes in this patch.


Outlaw is very good in PvP… You aren’t playing properly.

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You are highly ranked so I believe you ^^^

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Outlaw is insane when played well but the skill ceiling is very high and it is not a very accessible spec for the average player

Not trying to say if this is a good thing or not, I guess that’s too subjective. Some specs should be easy and accessible like BM and some should be more challenging like feral. But maybe the skill ceiling for outlaw is too high? Idk.

I’m biased because i love it and doing very well on it.

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You could say that about any class. Right now outlaw suuuuuuucks. Probably my only alt that I have that I worry about fighting most classes. Unless I get lucky with BTE, its jsut bleh


If you’re so worried about BtE procs then I think you’re playing outlaw wrong. It’s really not that important to outlaws dps.

No you can’t. Outlaw is ranked S tier on multiple websites only because it’s very strong when played at a high level. The Glad+ meta is not the same as the 1500 meta. For example, fury warrior is pretty bad at the top level but I’m sure it still stomps the 1500 bracket. Outlaw is very weak at pretty much every skill level except at the top because the skill ceiling is very high.

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Im surprised no one is talking about Outlaw as FC on CTF maps. Completely busted


Node maps too. Can quick cap a few maps that just snowball into a win.


I enjoy outlaw more then other specs so im just vibing but i dont feel like trash.


What’s the vibe of Outlaw in PVE? Why play it over, say, Arms, Enhancement, or Frost?

Carpal tunnel.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Omg I honestly am getting trigger finger with how spammy outlaw gets. Back to DH until I recover.

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The glaring problem is you have to use defensives and resets to burst, which is a terrible mechanic.

havimg to use vanish to do damage is crummy

Just get rid of outlaw and bring back combat

Everyone still coping with Flap from rooftop on FC and how insane that is.

What exactly did Combat have that Outlaw doesn’t? This sentiment of “bring back Combat” is a thought terminating mantra as if the mechanic of using Vanish to boost damage could only exist in Outlaw.

“Bringing back” Combat wouldn’t fix anything. Outlaw HAS the stuff Combat had and more.

None of us like using Vanish to burst. That’s the problem. Not sure how bring back Combat would help.

People have this rose tinted view of Combat when in reality it did well because the other specs were absolute garbage with incomplete design meaning it was good by default. For a long time it was the only spec in town and when the other specs got actual development it waned with a few bright spots typically exploiting a mechanic that would be quickly yanked back because of how hard that mechanic was to balance game wide.

The solution is to fix Outlaw not go back to some imagine glory days of a spec that was pretty lame even at its height.

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Outlaw is going backwards and it is basically Combat with Sub lite game play.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I’d agree. Ironically Outlaw has features that should be Sub features and vis versa. Spending combo points reducing the CD on your finisher and stealth resetting the CD of your finisher and extending your burst window are both great meshing of mechanics and theme but are on the wrong specs.

I can understand the BtE reset being a core part of a DPS profile, as BtE is more or less Outlaw’s version of Sub’s Secret Tech, but why it’s link to stealth is not as understandable.

The obvious answer is to just make the resetting of BtE be based on something else besides stealth. Do something about the dominance of that talent within the tree that is choking out other choices and to commit to the bit.

Sin over here just doing it’s own thing and thriving.