Ok, look. I love Jennifer Hale, and she's a great VA, but

…can we maybe chill out on having her voice absolutely every single character in WoW?

Do my Emerald Dream stuff, and she’s Merithra chatting at me. Everytime I click a dryad out there, it’s her. Just finished my TW runs, and she was Elisande at the end of CoS, and Illysana in Blackrook Hold. She’s voiced a bajillion things in WoW, and pretty much every other game I play (former Ashe main in Overwatch here).

I mean, she’s fantastic, and I’m still secretly holding out hope she gets to reprise Femshep somehow in the next Mass Effect game (hopium). But man, it’s just too much. Oversaturated. Not sure if you guys have some super special deal worked out with her, or if you’re struggling to find other equally talented voice actors (I find this hard to believe).

But I’m kindly suggesting you guys expand your voice pool a bit more. Because things are really starting to feel a bit repetitive.


Flashback to Oblivion NPCs with the same VA chatting each other.


I don’t know why, maybe it was years of playing but I never noticed until I quit for a good good while and came back.

Hearing the same person voice so many people while trying to sound different is so off putting. I actually turned down the volume because it was so distracting to me.


She has such an identifiable voice that it is impossible for her to “blend in”. They can modulate the living hell out of her lines, give her a huge accent, doesn’t matter. You can always tell it’s her.

She’s not the only VA like that in WoW, mind you. But she has just been overused lately. Which worries me because I don’t want to get tired of hearing her voice. I’m a fan, but too much of anything is bad.


I always associate her with Commander Shepard from Mass Effect. So it’s always jarring, her voice is just so recognizable.


She will always be Shepard to me. Hard to think of her as anything else, but her work as Ashe is probably some of her best.


I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite VA in World of Warcraft

(except Mary Elizabeth McGlynn)


I adore her work. Velhari and Remornia are straight up iconic because of her.

Also, her work as Hydaelyn, if you play FF14.

(I actually just realized she was Cetrion in MK11. Shocked I didn’t notice that sooner, considering how much I played her)


She just needs to do one character with her Commander Shepard voice and she can go home. Until then she’s trapped in the recording booth.

Get Mark Meer in there too we could have a quest with them each voicing a character. It would be my favorite quest on the citadel.


Long as Mark gets to end his dialogue with ‘I should go’.

Actually, a quest like that would probably make me short-circuit from geekout overload.


A quest with them both interacting with their Shepard voices would break my brain. Get Garrus in there, but without the weird turian reverb he’d be harder to pick out.


Look up ‘Garrus Vakarian on ABC’s Castle’ on youtube. Threw me for a loop when I saw that.

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I thought Toddy was a refreshingly new sounding voice in the game that wasn’t just the ho hum same ol’ same ol’. It was something unique and unfamiliar. My opinion is in the minority though, as much of the community hated it.


Brandon Keener’s voice is really easy for me to notice actually; I remember almost the exact moment where I started noticing how much I liked Garrus’s voice in ME1 (it didn’t really stand out to me at first but by Noveria—which was the 2nd planet I did—I was like, I really like it whenever Garrus talks).

People have made meme clips combining footage from Mass Effect (or Garry’s Mod but with Mass Effect models) with audio of Brandon Keener’s voice from various ad spots (for McDonald’s, etc.) and TV shows he’s done over the years and his voice always fits perfectly even without the turian voice filter thing


Has Toddy even shown up since the first patch? I know her blood elf counterpart is in the emerald dream for one of the climbing quests.

Seems like the knee-jerk to Toddy was to drop her like a hot potato.


That would bum me out. I never understood the Toddy hate. I liked her and found her refreshing.


Yeah I noticed that too. :confused:

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What’s new with you?

Saw a mudcrab the other day… horrible creatures

Take care



He also voices the Vorcha, guess you can say it’s a Meer coincidence? :joy:

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