They are not bad just run it on normal if you don’t have gear. My 93 warrior had no issues clearing EN and NH, and warriors are really undertuned right now. Hell I got upgrades from raids I ran to socket 3x ilvl 60 relics into my old artifact (it is ilvl 80 now).
Balance of power should be account wide.
It was dumb but understandable when it was current content. But now that it’s legacy content, it’s just dumb.
Blizzard understands that they need to loosen restrictions on legacy content when it comes to time gates and rep gates, we’ve seen this all over the game. What’s annoying is how inconsistent they are with it.
I’m truly torn on if I’ll do these for all of the alts.
I’m lowkey hoping that the requirement is to do any dungeon; provided that they’re Legion dungeons or beyond. (ie Legion, Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands)
Yes. This is my excuse.
You had these reps before the quest chain reached this point IF you were playing the content when it was current.
You shouldn’t get something so good, for no effort now.
Fact is because it’s transmog it’s still good and still worth the effort.
Effort = reward. If it was an item you wanted to use that gave you player power and that power was an expansion behind then yeah sure nerf it. But it isn’t. It’s transmog. And prestige transmog at that.
You’re really gunna have having to wait a few weeks to farm the raid drops too!
Okay well go tell that to Blizzard who removed the rep requirements that time gated the Suramar questline.
I guess doing the quest isn’t effort. You gotta get some turtles to the water for a few weeks first.
My point is Blizzard is incredibly inconsistent when it comes to removing gates on legacy content.
You shouldn’t have to rep grind for outdated content. Period.
Lol… Poor baby. These factions have tons of ways to gain rep fast. Yea, it’s kind of timegated if you only do the WQs, but that’s still very much doable.
Why is irrelevant content timegated?
Do I look like a dev to you?
The timegating I speak of is the world quests btw, they would have to reprogram the WQ system to spawn new ones once you’ve done all of them on your map, or something like that, to remove the timegating. I doubt they’re interested in doing that.
“Appearances are meant to be something you are needed to earn, they aren’t just handed out.”
This, exactly.
OP, if i got mine on many classes, you can too. It’s also class based, so, technically, once you have the appearances on one character you get them on all of the others through transmog. It really isn’t that bad.
Make sure you use the Blizz anniversary buff.
If available use the darkmoon faire buff.
You can use followers from alts to get rep tokens.
Do all the wq in the zone and finish all the quests.
Doing just this it takes about 48 hours from 0 to exalted depending on the number of alts you have that already have tokens unlocked.
My only gripe with this questline is needing 20 items from the raids while only 15 or so drop from a single run and they wont drop if you run a different difficulty after. Forcing you to wait a week.
MMOs may not be the genre for you.
Yeah that part does suck a bit. In part cause I’m limited to 25 quests and the quest has to sit there unfulfilled, mocking me.
When I ran it on my hunter. I got all but 1 from a single run. I needed just 1! Aaaarrggg!!!
The nighthold one got me I think I need 2-3 and got grumpy, the next week Guldans mount dropped so all was good.
I just left the raid after getting the shards and the bosses that could still drop me mogs. Does the mount drop from normal?
Also… I just got it today… turns out, theres no mogs that match the bow for alliance. gold and red. UUUURG.
I’ve done Balance of Power 3 times, it is absolutely terrible.
All difficulties but LFR.
Transmog isn’t outdated content. Period.