Im a casual player, I decided to complete my Balance of Power for my artifact weapon appearance. After much questing I hit the first wall “Get Revered with Nightfallen”… I had no idea how limited each storyline quest is, they reward 25-50 rep each, after doing all WQ and droning my way through the LONGEST storyline ever after about 5 days I was finally complete. Then I moved onto the other quests which I was completing at a rewarding pace… then all of a sudden “Get Revered with Valarjar” checks rep level, Neutral …well that’s me, I’m done. You win blizzard, and to think I’m paying a monthly sub to feel this frustrated.
It’s seriously ridiculous that in BFA/almost SL we still have these stupid rep requirements for a weapon appearance, yet they were removed for allied races? Did Blizzard just forget about how long this takes you and you need to do it on EVERY. SINGLE. ALT.
It was never intended to be a short and simple process. Those appearances are supposed to carry a level of prestige. I’ve loved going back and knocking them out across all the classes these past few months. It’s a great goal to work towards.
Appearances are meant to be something you are needed to earn, they aren’t just handed out.
Suramar questing is one of the best endgame zones they have introduced, based almost entirely just on story quests.
What did you do during that 2-months of double rep? Newer alts after 9.0.1 had it a little easier if you stocked up on that one Argus Dreadlord item drop 200% increased rep gains as it got bumped to work up to level 49. A 1500 Rep BoA token gave 6000 rep with the combo.
It wasn’t just 2 months we had double rep from April 20 to May 21st too.
Anyone struggling with rep from legion and bfa after having 12 weeks of double rep was just flat out not playing the game.
This is one of the few time gates to not get nerfed after Legion ended.
You know those Order Hall missions for the campaign you have to do? They’re 1 hour now. But they use to be like 24 hours, to 48 hours, and so on.
They’ve removed a lot of rep and time gates from Legion content, such as not needing rep to even do Suramar anymore. I wish balance of power got the same treatment.
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So is that gonna be your excuse two years from now in the next prepatch when people come back to the game or join the game for the first time?
“Oh well, you should have played two years ago, idiot.”
/waves gigantic, glowing, moth infested apocalypse “what, this old thing? Might delete later, idk”
If you get unlucky with drops when you get up to Emerald Nightmare/Nighthold it can take an additional 6 weeks.
Have fun.
What else is there to do?
It can be a pain in the butt once past Honored. I gave up pushing hard on the rep grind and just waited for the faction WQ emissary to pop up as well as the KT one.
Mainly skipped the normal WQ, but stayed on the rare ones and elites. The dungeon ones also give a good amount. I can’t remember how, but you can mail tokens from a character that is exalted I think. I think there was a reason I didn’t with mine but can’t remember heh.
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I did this quest chain 12 times (once for each class).
I took advantage of the rep bonus and would advise that you do the same.
If you want something, you’ll do the work for it; that’s how I became the Hero of Shattrath and the Insane.
You can do it too; just don’t give up.

Rep grinding is the worst thing ever. It’s such a turn off, I usually just stop playing it.
EN trolls hard.
You need 30 of these items hero!
You will get 29 on the first pass. play again next week. At least its usually drop the dragon and done the second run.
My last Nighthold run for the 3rd balance run…ugh. 3 weeks as the RNG said hahahaha and 2nd weeks run was just a hair short.
I still need to finish those ones up, been so bogged down with wanting to do quests on the other faction and paragon boxes for rank 4s. Like I can understand if someone wanted to make the timed +15 and 10 RBG wins skins be account-wide but balance of power is trivial.
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I feel the OP on this. I’m at the emerald nightmare part and ready to quit myself. As much as I hate pvp it was easier to get the Honor level 10 appearance for my Druid.
Agreed wholeheartedly. My latest project (for the Balance of Power) is completing the Unleashed Monstrosities portion on all twelve classes.
I just finished getting all twelve of them their class order mount.
Some of these alts never really got played all that much in Legion.
I’m also chipping away at all 36 of the hidden appearances. (Just two to go.)
An MMO is perfect for long-term projects.

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Yeah I was parsing through what I had left for the artifacts (all the things is bugged for artifacts after 9.0) and I saw that had half the classes were lacking 30 dungeons done and 10 didn’t even have 1k kills. Lol I didn’t even have any hiddens on my rogue. I think I may have time to do some korrak’s I guess
hard to fight?
9.0 scaling may have adjusted this. Before 9 prepatch EN was just bad for the eye ball boss mechanics. He drags out his eventual demise lol. Rest were really smash em down button smash.
9.0 I hear made legion raid/mythic diungeon not fun. So I will come back as level 60 and geared from that personally.
They carried a level of prestige back then, they really shouldn’t be gated anymore.
Doesn’t make much sense to me either.
Like the mage tower, it could still be in the game. It can also hold a level of prestige too, if they tune it to current level. Instead we’re removing content… in a game where content is a good thing…
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