Ok full stop on hunter tier...(sorry not a Ragemode post)

I was hopping into this hunter alt and got a helm to get my three set, seen the tier helm mog and was like “somethings wrong here?”

Does anyone else notice the first season of hunter tier looked so damn cool and each season it’s like watching a billionaire become a pauper? Like the hunter tier went from 10/10 cool to a BC trash mobs set that just looks BAD!

What happened to the art department design on hunter tier!?! XD

This seasons armor looks terrible compared to the first seasons.

Anyone else’s tier get worse or better than first or second season?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but almost all the time and effort went to the DK and Priest sets.



Which is kind of funny because due to the spriest changes most people who mained priests that I know left it.

Though DK has usually always had some nice tier sets.

I need to check priest, warlocks looks pretty nice.

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Not the new thing the original meaning and word… “A poppers grave” so poor cant afford a coffin. Stap being dirty mind! XD

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Ok that’s acceptable.

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I find the new SP kinda fun tbh. The only problem I have is that I can’t choose between Warlock and Priest lol.

The S2 and S3 Priest sets are actually so good.

The worst set has got to be the Warrior set though. Like…just no.

Pretty sure the last time a Hunter had a tier set that looked good was TBC.

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Do you mean pauper perhaps instead of popper?

Unfortunately given how tier sets are themed around the raid as well as taste in clothing being largely subjectice, sometimes they just dont turn out all that great.


Which is sad. Because a lot of the ToS sets actually looked kinda good.

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Hmmm… It does seem a bit too simplistic. Does remind me of a few BC sets as well. It like hunter doesn’t really fit in the theme of this tiers raid.

I think that’s what throws me off. Usually don’t tiers fit with a theme in the raid? Some feel like they just don’t fit in at all.

I haven’t had enough coffee yet…

Remind me what ToS stands for please.


Ah… Yes that. Stupid Arkansas education system. Fixed.

Guess I need to read more… Or get another cup of coffee. Brains still asleep from the cold.

Tomb of Sargeras

I had to Google how to spell it. :coffee:


Mage set. Their hat is a ticking clock that actually keeps time…kinda sorta. DK’s probably got 2nd best, it’s very nice.

Warlocks probably got the worst set, it literally looks like reused assets.

Wait were we talking about visuals or the set bonus?

Either way, I have never seen any Warlock use the new set, but I do see mages running around with the hats on everywhere, and other classes too.

Season 1 hunter armor was not good looking. This season is slightly better but not by much. Season 2 was good.

I’ll give you that the Mage set looks pretty good too. I still think the worst set is Warrior though.


I need to look at that set again, I remember it being bad for most races but on a few it looking very cool… which probably means it’s bad overall.

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