Ok full stop on hunter tier...(sorry not a Ragemode post)

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The only thing I can see of the set that one can realistically criticise is that the helmet isn’t large enough to match the shoulders. But honestly, knowing that a lot of these sets gets overly designed as well and the rest of it looking absolutely stellar …

Can’t say I agree. Sure, boring helmet perhaps. But eh, in my opinion it is probably just because I dislike actual “helmet”-styled helmets. Hats, “full-face”-helmets, or nothing is my preference. So I’m definitely biased but the rest of it looks perfectly fine and works exceedingly well with the centerpieces of the two dragon skulls that breathe fire.

It was a glowing face hiding rock dragon head looking set. I guess it all is subjective on how you like each. I liked the aesthetic of the s1 vs 3

I know what it was, which is exactly why I don’t like it.

The current paladin tier is the trashiest ever released. Mr burger king.


Hunter sets are always a wash for me. They never look good, especially on my female Darkspear hunter main. The only Hunter set I’ve ever thought looked good was the Green Normal Mode T19 set and it only really works on Humans, Dwarves and Elves.

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Looks better then Monk tier at least also curious what happened to monk tier sets with robes haven’t gotten one since WoD didn’t even get on the new ugly half robes this expansion.

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You don’t like the Crane set? Huh. I really like that one, especially the subtle, stylized cloud motif.

On topic, Hunters don’t get to look good. You WILL throw parts of a dead animal on your shoulder and head and you WILL like it.

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We playing the same game?

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You mean you found Hunter specific sets in this game you actually liked enough to consider the quality to be going down? I think there’s like maybe 4 I’ve found that I don’t hate, and Hunter is like my #1 alt. I’ve always felt Hunter sets were…lacking