Ok Destro issues

I need help. Badly.

I know destro is OP. But. I cant win a single game of 2’s if the enemy team LoS’s me all game. Ido my dam hardest at rooting to get CB’s off but they get hit by 1 then immediately leg it around a corner.

The teams i beat funnely enough dont try LoS’ing at all.

How do you other destros deal with ppl pillar humping your every go and inferal cd??

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It is kind of up to you and your partner.

For instance, if you’re playing with a druid, a lot of your goes will revolve around coil/vortex to make sure your damage is effective, or if you’re playing with a monk, the monk’s stun/ring are vital for keeping the enemies in your LoS, etc.

You can’t expect to have 100% uptime or the enemy team to not be able to effectively avoid your damage, but it’s about finding the opportunities to keep forcing CDs, and eventually as teams fall behind, dampening kicks in, that’s when their mistakes become more vital and should create more windows of opportunity. I’d also try to pressure the enemy healer over DPS in situations like this, if the other team is constantly using things to get away from you and you can’t always get bolts off on one person, then just swap them to the other and just try to do effective damage, kill opportunities will come eventually.

Funnel Cakes?

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Just do more damage.


The key is to not to commit cds til they do. Best time to use your cds is when they use theirs. Forces them to have to retreat and give up their go or stay in and take alot of damage. Another thing is you can play a rot built with roaring blaze and cremation, and some rot trinkets like psyche shredder, obsidian claw and even shiver venom. Just focus on rotting them and win in dampening.

Destro is like the only spec I consistently lose to as a boomy in 2’s. I’ve tried going them, going their healer, pillaring all game, you name it. I’ve won a few times training their healer down but often times that leaves me too vulnerable.

If your issue is pillar humping, try and push in when you and your healer have the cds and means to get them off. Coil is instant. Fear off. Can stun, can root. All you need to do is coil them off a pillar and continue it from there.

My issue when I tried to pillar all game was that once dampening kicks in, they simply take more damage to die than I do and somehow rot me down just as effectively without any bolts connecting… it’s frustrating. They can insta me off the pillar, get bolts off and if I respond with counter pressure, destro just out pressures and out lives. Dampening is your friend, not your enemy’s.

Most destros I try los’ing just have their healer and infernals kill me while we run around a pillar.

You can kill teams at your rating whilst running vision, roaring, and cremation and ONLY exclusively pressing shadowfury, cataclysm, and conflag off cd. You don’t even need to cast a single cb.


You underestimate 1600-1700cr teams.

Inflation hasnt kicked in yet man. There is probably 1 in 5 games where enemy team is terrible and flops over. 4 in 5 they have some idea, chain cc’s, have good offensive healers who know how to line cc etc so to not cast ANY CB’s? Cmon…

Honestly there aren’t many newbs playing PvP anymore, the ones that are actually really new stay in the 1200-1500mmr.

The rest of the time it feels more accurate to say that medium-high XP players are just playing fresh alts because like Battlezone said they still seem to have some game knowledge but just lack the gear / fluidity of their own spec yet.

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play with a healer that can cc for your go’s, hpal is pretty good with hoj out of coil and repent on off target

I play no voice so this may be tougher than id like lol

he shouldnt have any issues seeing your go’s when u coil just make sure its a double coil, as a paladin playing with destro he almost has free reign to stand anywhere on the map unless its ontop of you or your fighting another destro

even if he HoJ’s the wrong person u can just shadowfury off your own coil to get a second bolt off and he can repent off his hoj and u fear off that

I always try to double coil. I just struggle on certain maps. Loarderon is a great map but one with the round pillar in thr middle is annoying AF

ya trick is to havoc the person u wanna kill and focus or arena macro the off target with coil so the second they come in line it goes off and hits both even if the havoc target is out of LoS

play with hpriests then

you win or lose at the 15 minute mark but you dont have to do literally anything except keep immolate up until dampening is so high nothing can recover from accidental infernals and immolate ticks

you can effortlessly play with bad rdruids too
they just have to do A LITTLE more than hpriests
rake/vortex and drink constantly

at 2400 ish i personally never lose to chaos bolt
i lose to accidental damage like infernals and immo being to hard to recover from at 12-15 minutes into the game


Sounds gross and not fun lol. 15 minutes :nauseated_face:

i wouldnt recommend destro then lol its sorta the dampener spec atm especially in 2s

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all they gotta do is gut the defensive part of their mastery and rebuff demon armor again, cant even target them most times

Ehh idk that’s a hard one I think I’d rather que into destro every game instead of getting farmed by dhs all day

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