OI! OI! Season of Discovery is Ending?

Cool story. No one cares

You cared enough to comment.

And not to mention. I dont think a single one of you even likes SoD anyways. All I have seen in my entire time of playing it is back to back nonstop complaints about class balance and of people complaining about when next phase would release. Not a single one of you has ever said even once that you actually like SoD. Just nonstop complaints the entire way through. And you’re one of the people who has complained just like that the entire time SoD has been up.

Alright ill bite.
Lets do some general math on this.


Lets start by looking at the active player count:

Right now ironforge.pro’s website
states there are 67221 active players give or take (this is active players raiding) playing sod. This number is probably hire but its what we got to work with, we can assume these people would have an active sub to play and raid in sod. The average monthly price for a subscription is 14.99.

67221 x 14.99 = $1007642.79
Sod is making blizzard $1007642.79 a month give or take, you can argue that it could be bit less if people are paying for the annual sub, but lets temember that the above player count is from people who raid only. I assume the player count is probabaly a lot higher than this.

Annually blizzard wpuld be bringing in 12091713.48 from these sod players. Why would blizzard decide to get rid of season of discovery knowing they could lose that profit margin?

Having these active subscription also means these players can try or play different versions of classic wow and retail. This then can lead to people buying expansions, micro transactions and even worthless digital collectors edition of mist of pandaria that only a dingus would buy. Youve proven that point at the very least lmao

So i doubt blizzard would disgard this revenue stream anytime soon.

Metrics show that almost every person playing SoD also plays other versions of the game as well, so counting sub revenue form all the players who play SoD and saying that is the sole source of all the sub money is wrong.

Also youre some nerd doom saying on a forum, no one actually takes what you say seriously. Im only replying because its a very slow day at work and my brain worms require serotonin. It could also be my fetish as well.

Who the hell buys multiple mist of pandaria collector editions lmaooo

You seemed to either

  1. not read my whole post
  2. only chose to reply the part that would help your arguement.

Probably number 2 and Most likely because youre lil baby boy

You’re the same group of people who raged this hard when people said SoM was going to end…and…did it? Did Som actually end? Because last I checked…you all said it wouldn’t.

So got two people saying SoD is not going to end…

So then SoD is the one and only version of the game that you yourself play. That is what you are saying to me here.

Sub not specific to SoD. It is based upon retail. Tied to your retail account. Classic is free, SoD is free. SoM was free. They are included in the sub that pays for retail. If you have ever even once stepped foot out of retail to play any other version of this game ever, then your sub is not there to pay just for SoD.

Im not actually one of those people, so your argument doesnt work with me, even if it did som was bringing in only 2000 or so active players, Sods active player base is 30 times that. It makes sense to finish up with som, it doesnt with sod

Sod will end eventually but it wont be anytime soon as you say.

Ya dog

Oh what irony… cuz my retail rogue is a worgen… but yea now you are admitting that SoD IS going to end. As I have been saying this entire time. Now you are trying to deny you ever said that.

Now you say…

That is exactly what I have been saying this entire time, SoD IS going to end.

Blizz will be busy with MoP Classic, Anniversary realms and retail. They really don’t benefit from keeping SoD going. Had just two people on their alts arguing with me on this the entire time… just the two of you. And you get upvotes to from people thinking it is a lot of posters. So both of you can keep doing what you’re doing.

Denying the inevitable.

this is 100% where they should start. add BC and WOTLK caverns of time dungeons into the game scaled to lvl 60

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You got very short term memory, cata classic came out in may 2024, that didnt stop sod from continuing, why would mist? This is all old content theyre just re releasing that requires less effort to maintain.

Lets go back to the GOATs response to you

Did your mommy change your reddit password or something???

the whimsical worldwarper taking you to the top of the tower where the gryphons and portal are seemed like such tease.


I think you do. I was the one who said on both my mage and my paladin that I used to post on that Cata was ending and MoP Classic was coming. I kept saying MoP Classic was coming. Got hate here on the forums for it. I literally stated the EXACT date that SoM was shutting down when i was on my old paladin toon that was playing it at the time and got raged at then by people saying SoM was never going to end.

Just as I said Cata was going to end. I even said Wrath was going to end and would not continue on. And almost all of you didn’t even know that there was no patch 3.4 in original Wrath and also didn’t even know the length of the prelaunch event phases.

And you people didn’t even know when RDF actually came out in original Wrath, didn’t know that the Baby Blizzard Bear was tied to WoWs 4th anniversary., and not to Wrath of the Lich King so kept asking for one in Wrath Classic.

Ofc you’re not…because 100% of what I say is only proving me right and other people WRONG.

Bro im not reading all that

Make it shorter

I sure hope its not ending. I am having a great time… I hope they keep it going!


You got it brother!

And only reason why I posted MoP Classic here is because I got trolled by forum trolls such as you who kept saying I was wrong and that MoP Classic was not coming out. Seems like I was right all along that Cata was going to end and get replaced… wasn’t I? Now for SoD.

Hey, didnt ask. Go buy another mist of pandaria collectors bundle for the 10th wow account

I only have 8 WoW account now.

Seems like a good idea. They said they have a limited supply even for the DE versions. That just means more for me and less for people like you. I won’t even need them anyways since everything is account bound.

Hey has anyone watched pokemon the movie, is it any good? Or is digimon the movie better