Stop lying to yourself there Eddboi. You and I both know you’re going to be all up in that Mop Classic instead of SoD. I’ll even buy you a copy just to get you started…
The original japanese digimon movie that is, not the butchered american release that removed the third act from the movie
I kept wanting and kept asking for SoD TBC. But no…Blizzard doesn’t want to deal with SoD TBC arena balance… SoD TBC can work. I want it to.
And for the record there, Edd. My posts here may make it seem like I want SoD to end. I do not. It is a super fun game mode. I would still be playing MoP Remix if it were out. Actually…might have even of been a better idea for Blizz to re release MoP Remix vs MoP Classic.
Works cited:
Clickbait. There’s a lot of content creators notorious for it.
All they’ve said officially is that they’ll be keeping the servers open for the time being (blue post quoted above), and that your characters will have somewhere to land when the season ends (they said that one somewhere around SoD launch).
I’ve been paying attention to this because I find SoD the most fun version of WoW right now, but its temporary nature always made me skittish, especially once they killed Chaos Bolt. My ideal scenario would be to play it for as long as it’s active and then go land on a BC or Wrath era server—still keeping fingers crossed that Deathwing never finds the anniversary realms.
You’re hurtful.
Report the trolls who hide behind their non mains dirtying up the forums.
Kara tower and caverns of time coming soon, hopefully.
I heard most of the raids for SOD were majorly designed by one person. They have the tools to develop the game, it isn’t hard for them to smash out content. See: DFC
There’s also a blue post floating around where they planned to not delete SOD.
I’m only subbed for SOD btw and most of our 40 man team is the same.
P.s I’m going to regret replying once the Reddit brains start neuroposting their brain dead comments here again. You like MOP? Good for you
Why would you think this is happening? Nothing in SoD has hinted at this.
This is very, very loosely hinted at with the Priest quest-line and MAYBE the Secret Agents.
In terms of the most possible types of content to see in a Phase 9, Hyjal is way, way above anything else. It’s been teased for several phases now through SoD Druid quests, the Wild Offerings, the DFC attune, the Kara attune… if Scarlet Enclave is not the end, I would expect to see a Hyjal raid.
Still hope we learn what these were about some day.
Allow me to use my brain for you:
Karazhan Crypts, Dark riders (worked for Medivh)
- World warper teleports you to the top of Kara tower next to the portal
- Kirin Tor
Which are:
Kara Crypts itself
Seeding Kara Crypts
Seeding Kara Crypts
Seeding Kara Crypts
None of those things has built towards a Karazhan anything else.
It’s like you got some idea in your head and reality be banned. Anyways, like I said Hyjal has by far the most evidence to support it as a potential new raid after Scarlet Enclave. Get on the hype train imo.
Debating me about nothing is cringe. Go back to reddit dude.
Medivh lives in Karazhan Tower and the Dark Riders are controlled by him from said tower
we also need ghostlands+zul’aman at lvl 60 for catch up gear(ilvl80/90)+blood elf paladins