Oh would you look at that

Again, you’re giving zero evidence that this wouldn’t be profitable or engaging for the playerbase. The only thing they do with other mmo’s data would be making assumptions.
That isn’t evidence.
And I will always doubt 99% of Ions excuses for there laziness, I don’t know why you would.

Conversely, the counterargument is “It would be profitable and engaging, because I want it!”

As opposed to

“It’d be an expansion level feature and a lot of work only for very few people to actually engage with.”

Other than internal memos or some actual official leak, a candid interview from the functional head of the game’s development is as close to official evidence as we can get. I agree we should be skeptical of Ion, especially from that era. However, it obviously lines up with everything we can know as rational players.

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Yep, it’s just surging right now. Eventually it will roll back down, and I am just gunna keep surfing the wave, bro!

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If they were to actually make a profit off of it they would have already done it.

The fact that said they would have to sacrifice a raid tier means they know that it’s a risky investment.

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Again, I don’t believe them when they lie about there laziness.
That means nothing when they sacrifice dev time to remix and plunderstorm. Both which would’ve probably got us a raid tier instead of season 4.

See just speaking personally, if all we ever got was a tiny instanced area we could invite friends to with pre-decorated layouts or themes, I’d be happy.

But I’d also be happy if they’d picked up where they left off with garrisons, so I’m probably relatively easy to please here. :woman_shrugging:


go play gws2

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Was just a pvp mini-game with old wow assets and a handful of abilities. Less work than dragonriding probably.

Microwaved leftovers.

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Never underestimate Blizzard’s capacity to make the minimum effort.

You’re not wrong but dev time is dev time. Could’ve been put somewhere else.

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He also said “The dream of player housing is still alive and it’s something we want to do” so, it’s good for people to keep fueling that dream if they want it.

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But one of the rare instances where Chef Mike pops off. :smile:


And I wish it was to be honest. So I think I’m staying consistent in wishing the time would go to things other than housing as well.

By the same logic, it’s good for those who believe developer time being committed to something like this would take away from developing things those players enjoy to keep voicing their opposition.

So long as both sides realize neither is “objectively right / wrong”, although I have little faith for most people in these forums to grasp such a concept


Oh no you don’t want it

Oh no you do want it


That’s what you sound like

“I want housing.”

“I don’t want housing.”

I’m not seeing where either stance is bad or wrong.

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Again, I don’t think any pro housing people want anything taken away from other areas of the game either. That’s why we’ve tried to point out how successful and profitable it has been in other similar MMOs to the point where it could likely pay for its own separate team.

I’d say there’s definitely limitless potential for them to monetize player housing.

Which, to me, is a terrible thing, but people do spend $20 to wear pajamas in this game so whatevs. I wouldn’t deny player housing could pay itself off over time. But that’s why we calculate net present values / break even / RoI of various business endeavors :smiley: